chapter 11

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Jennifer finally agreed to go to therapy but only if Calleb and I made turns to join her. I had no problem with that sine the General cleared Calleb and I's schedule to help her, but eventually, she'll have to start doing things on her own. Jennifer actually surprised me by asking when she could join training with the other soldiers since she thinks I'm being too easy on her. I talked to the General about it and he encouraged me to keep working with her for the time being, but if I really thought she would cope and manage with the commanding officer, then I must do what I think best.

In my opinion, Jennifer has grown a lot since she first snapped at Calleb and me in the kitchen while we were drinking our beers. From hating and disrespecting us, it looks like she took a liking to us and vice versa. She's a special young lady, and the guy that ends up with her one day would be a very, very lucky man.

"That was good for our first session. It was lovely meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow, and it's good to see you again Mr, O'Connell. Although, are you going to sit in every session?"

"No, not every session. Sergeant Hemmings and I made an arrangement with Jennifer here. We'll be taking turns to sit in for the first two weeks before she comes here on her own. She feels more comfortable with people she knows,"

"Is that so Jennifer?"

"Yea. I know it's not normally advised to have someone sit in, but..."

"Nonsense. Every patient is different. If it works for you, then it works, and if you're comfortable around Mr. O'Connell and Hemmings, then it's fine by me. It's good that you're willing to come here on your own too, we'll see how it goes. I'll see you tomorrow,"

The two of us said our goodbyes and walked out towards Noah. Calleb had training with his team officer, well more like a punishment after he didn't do as he was told and back chatted. Honestly, I didn't even feel bad for the bloke, he wants to wake up all pissy and take out his attitude on everyone around us, then so be it, someone was going to put him in his place. So I asked Noah if he could help her today.

"Noah, what's up?"

"Nothing much and you? Jennifer, why don't you go get ready, I'll be there in a sec." He smiled at her and she walked past him,

"Did you talk to her?" He asked as soon as she was out of earshot, concern clouding all over his features, it irked me a bit how concerned he was, but maybe he genuinely did care,

"Yeah. It's not my place to repeat what she said though, but what I can tell you is, is that her last deployment got her pretty out of hand. We managed to get her to talk to Dr. Wes, three times a week,"

"The therapist?"

"Yep. Come on, think she's waiting," I told him when I saw Jennifer waiting impatiently to get started.

Noah was surprisingly patient with her. Knew what to say to calm her down, understood what she could handle for now and what she couldn't, he even managed to push her a bit to do things Calleb was too scared to try with her. Calleb was experienced in this field of work, but he was part of the army just like me, we weren't part of the Air Force.

"How's it going with her arm?"

"Better, she hasn't had any problems really since we went to get it fixed. She's been going for regular checkups though,"

"That's great. She's settling in well?"

"She's... getting there,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she's only really talked to me and Calleb. She needs more friends on base, at least try to make some more friends at least,"

"My team and I are going out tonight, you three are welcome to join? We're going to Michelle's,"

"I'll ask them, thanks, what time?"

"Around eight, hope to see you there,"

We walked out and went to see Jennifer as she came out, all smiles. She did a lot better than usual. No panic attacks, no nervous breakdowns, nothing. Although you could see she was still tense, Calleb has helped a hell of a lot with her. He worked with her whenever he could or whenever he had a spare minute. He involved me as much as he could but, honestly, I don't know why. I think he said something about the girl being more at ease with both of us instead of just having a one on one. Jennifer could definitely use a night out...


"Are you sure about this?" Jennifer whisper yelled as we made our way inside.

"You'll be fine, Joshua and I will be next to all the time," Whispered Calleb,

Noah came to welcome us immediately when he saw us enter the bar, walking us over to his team in one of the booths. We pulled up a few wooden chairs and sat down, Jennifer between me and Calleb.

"So Jennifer, right?" One of the girls asked her, scooting closer. Jennifer nodded and returned the girl's smile sticking her left hand out again to shake her hand, but was surprised when she was pulled into a hug instead,

"I'm Missy. Nice to meet the girl that finally put Kaleigh in her place! I swear, if you didn't hit that plastic face, I would've very soon," The two of them chuckled and fell into an easy-going conversation. The night went by pretty smoothly until all of us finally decided to leave and head back to base.

When we got outside we were staring at a group of masked men pointing AK-47's at us. Stopping dead in our tracks, our laughter died down chasing people back inside the bar that came out.

"Everyone get back inside. No one comes out!" I shouted and stood my ground as we stared the assholes down. Who the hell brings that much firepower in public?

"We're not here to hurt you." One of the men called out and walked forward, probably the one in charge,

"Sure looks like it," Calleb hissed,

"We're only here for one,"

"Oh yeah? And who the hell is that?" Missy shouted out from beside Jennifer who looked like she was about to blow a gasket. She looked like she knew these people and was on even more edge than the rest of us. When the male in charge raised his hand and pointed towards Jennifer she went absolutely rigid.

"Jennifer Rose. Come with us and no one gets hurt,"

"Like the last time, you said that? You're bloody mental!" She seethed with venom dripping off her words. "Why the attitude, J?"

"What did you just call me?"

"So you remember," The guy smirked, exposing his bright yellow teeth,

"Where is he!?"

"Who? You'll have to come over here to refresh my memory a bit. That and, if you don't, we'll start shooting,"

Jennifer looked over at me and Calleb before closed her eyes and looking back up at the offender. She walked over to them, all eyes on her. She walked right up into his personal space, letting him grab her. In a second everyone that was behind me got their guns out and pointed it at him and his team.

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