chapter 23

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Joshua P.O.V

"Is it just me, or does it feel like this place is getting smaller?"

"It's just-"I was about to give a snarky remark back at Calleb for saying shit like that the past three hours when I was cut off by a beeping sound. All of us kept quiet and pulled out our guns, standing in front of the sleeping children; but when the door opened and the light came flooding in, I dashed forward to catch Jennifer.

"Four, five, nine, twenty three," She gasped out. General Maree entered the pin and Jennifer limped forward to scan her thumb and palm, allowing the door to open with a loud shrieking sound, but as soon as the door opened and the lights flickered on with difficulty, I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

The space was ten times bigger than the safe house at the lake. There were metallic platforms with railings on the sides, the metal acting as a second floor hanging from the roof with chains. There was a computer system taking up an entire wall, screens taking up space from the roof down to the middle of the wall, the rest of the wall being used for monitors and security systems. Keyboards and tables lining the platform under the monitors with a huge table in the middle, similar to the one I've seen at base.

There guns, cars, airplanes, jets, trucks, missiles, anything you could think of, visible in one of the rooms we just stepped into. I wanted to walk around and explore what this place held, but when Jennifer coughed as she limped to a room to our right, I followed her, knowing the rest followed as well. We walked into a room filled with medical equipment, three beds with monitors and machines ready for use when needed. Jennifer walked up to the medical cabinet, throwing stuff onto the floor, looking for something before she collapsed. Running over to her, I picked her off the floor and rested her on one of the beds.

Looking over her I saw claw marks tearing through her camo shirt, blood dripping from her left arm and her right shoulder looked dislocated. She had gashes all over her legs when I took her torn pants off along with her shirt, leaving her in her black sports bra and black boxer panties. The claw marks were way worse than I thought before I took the shirt off, so I headed to the cabinet and got all the essentials out that I needed, passing some stuff to General Maree to help me,

"Why don't you help Sergeant Erick while we patch Jennifer up?" I asked Lieutenant Black and Calleb. They nodded and helped Erick over to a bed, giving him the help he was supposed to get, treating his wounds with the right equipment while I cleaned Jennifer up.

General Maree was about to give her a numbing agent injection but she stopped him and just shook her head, "Jenn-"

"I'm... allergic. Do it... without," She gasped out, wincing. I nodded and moved to stitch her up, General Maree giving her his hand to hold. Jenifer handled it pretty good, only wincing here and there, squeezing General's hand instead. A wound like this was pretty sore, but she was so lucky that it didn't go too deep, injuring her internal organs. We were trained with basic medical training, we weren't surgeons.

"Can you get me the bandages?" General Maree asked just as Jennifer was about to get up,

"Where in the hell do you think you're going?" I asked her,

"I need... to-"

"Back down, or so help me," Eyeing me she sighed layed back down, flinching when General Maree put an ointment on her scabs and gashes. When he was done he we covered her stitches and bandaged her, slowly sitting her up just as Erick was done,

"Is sissy okay?" The two kids asked panicked with tear-stained cheeks,

"She's going to be just fine," I smiled before looking at Jennifer and looked at her shoulder, sighing. "We're going to have to pop that back in you know?"

"I know. Just do it... please,"

"Come on, little ones, let's go explore," Erick said, groaning when he stood up. Lieutenant Black making his way to Jennifer,

"Watch out for the laser beams, don't trip them,"

"Where are they?"

"Everywhere basically. Deactivate them by the desk computer with the key. It's in one of the bags by the door," He nodded at her and headed off with the twins,

"Ready?" Black asked Jen, placing his hands on her shoulder, standing in front of her.

"Yeah," she nodded and gripped the bed as he started pulling her robotic arm forward. Jennifer whimpered in pain when he did it in one swift motion, groaning when he finished. She rolled her shoulder twice and stood up from the bed, walking to the cabinet again, taking out a bottle of pain and anti-infection pills, swallowing the required amount of both,

"What happened?"

"Damn jaguar chased me to a cliff after he almost killed me. I shot him with the tranq gun when I got my chance though,"

"Why'd you take so long?"

"Because the cat had friends after me as well. I had to run an extra few miles thanks to those buggers. Come on," She said and limped out of the room after saying thanks to us. We followed her once again, and I have to admit, I was starting to get annoyed with how we always had to follow her, but when she started walking into another room she put the lights on, letting us see all the other equipment she had. Food supply, extra medicine, water, and stretchers. She passed stretchers to us with blankets and asking us to set them up if we wanted,

I helped do as she asked and walked over to the computers afterward to see what she was doing. Again she had trouble with the computers, eventually giving up and went to put her siblings to bed, but just as I was about to go and talk to her, the door from outside opened revealing a person covered with a hoodie, holding a gun aimed at us.

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