Chapter 4

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"You're telling me she has an actual robotic arm? As in like a bionic one?"

"Yes," She replied for me.

"I didn't know if you would want me to tell anyone or not, I should've asked, sorry," I received a shrug in return while she made herself some of her cereal, and swallowed her pills with some water,

"It's whatever,"

"What're the pills for?" Calleb asked her out of curiosity,

"Well you know about my arm now, might as well stop hiding the pills. It's to prevent it from getting septic,"

"And the other one?"

She hesitated telling me which caused my curiosity to spike as I walked over to her and took the small container from her,

"Pain meds?" I asked reading the prescription, "You're in pain? Where?"

"What do you care?" She snapped and took the orange container from my hands,

"I care because if it's your arm it's most probably from yesterday's evaluation, so it means it happened on my watch. I'm not going to ask again, where is it hurting?"

"My shoulder and right side," She shrugged and made a move to walk away with her bowl but I stopped her and put the bowl on the table. I pulled her to the living room, Calleb close behind us,

"What're you doing? Let go of me,"

"Take your shirt off,"


"I said take your shirt off and sit on the couch. Calleb, please get me the first aid kit," He nodded and went to get it as Jennifer sighed but did as I instructed.

I looked at where her bionic arm connected to her flesh and prodded around with gloves after Calleb handed me the kit. He looked at the arm with interest as I inspected it, making the girl flinch now and again,

"Does it normally hurt?"

"After exercise sometimes, but..."

"But?" I eyed her suspiciously

"It's hurting more than usual, but don't think anything of it, I'm fine," She went to stand up and get her shirt but I pushed her back onto the couch and looked at Calleb,

"You have more experienced at this than me, what would you do?"

"Me? Well with a robotic arm and the extend of those previous injuries, I can tell that she's going to struggle keeping up with the others during training,"

"Excuse me?" She asked more than a little offended, "Listen, it's nothing against you. All that I'm saying is, is that maybe you should apply for something,"

"Something? What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Our General started this 'class' a while back, for people with injuries so that they can still stay up to date with their training, but to an extent that's healthy for their body,"

"So in other words, you want me to be seen as weak? Hell no, forget it,"


"I said no!

Jennifer left Calleb and I in shock as she yanked her shirt up and ripped away from my hold before storming off to her room and slamming the door shut,

"What... just happened?"

"You're asking me like I'm supposed to know..."


"We're going to use the simulator first to see what you still remember. Since we came a little later than the other Air Force members, we're alone, so take your time." Calleb spoke over the intercom as Jennifer was sitting in the simulator waiting for it to start. I just came along to see how she does, obviously, with the ranks she got in the short amount of time she was part of the Air Force, she must be good,

"Sergeant, again with all due respect, please stop treating me like a fragile doll,"

After her little outburst, she's been acting like this. We didn't know what to do or say, we were being a bit more cautious around her, the girl has obviously been through a lot, but then again, she wanted to join the army, even went as far as going behind her dad's back,

"You ready to begin?"

"Yes, Sir," she answered and Calleb started the simulator,

The way the girl handled herself with the controls were precise and gentle. She knew exactly what to press when and how to control herself. She was doing pretty great up until Calleb decided to throw in some 'missiles' and effects that will make her feel like she's under attack. At first, she was calm, but then as a few minutes passed, she started freaking out. With the camera that's installed inside the simulator, we could see she was panicking, screw that, she was having a panic attack as soon as the bomb noises went off,

"Turn it off," I told Calleb as I ran towards Jennifer. Pulling the door open I pulled her out and put her against the wall,

"Jennifer, breath. It's not real. You're okay, you're safe. Breath." She followed a breathing pattern that looks like she's rehearsed it a couple of times before. When she finally started to calm down Calleb was standing next to me and looked down at her,

"What was that?" He asked in a monotone voice, but you could clearly hear the concern behind it.

"I-I'm f-fine. May I go again, Sergeant?"

"Again? Jennifer, I'm sorry, but no. You failed the simulator, I'll have to tell the General; if you can't handle the simulator, how do you expect to survive a real attack?"

"Sergeant, please. It's just... been a while. I can't fail this," She pleaded with Calleb. Sighing he nodded his head and helped her up, "But if I see so much as even a hint of another panic attack coming, I'm pulling you out. You understand me?"

"Yes, Sir," Straightening up, she climbed back into the machine and closed the door while Calleb and I walked to the controls,

"Didn't think you'd give her another chance,"

"I didn't either."

"It's obvious something happened the last time she was deployed,"

"Yes, but if something like that happens out on the field what do you think will happen,"

"I know,"

"You ready?"

"Yes, Sir," Calleb started the simulator once again, and just like the previous time, Jennifer handled herself pretty well. When the bombs and missiles started appearing she jerked a little but calmed down after she took a couple of visible breaths. Unlike last time she aced this one.

"Well done,"

"Thank you, Sir," The girl replied and walked ahead of us to get to the apartment,

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