chapter 14

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Calleb P.O.V

"Okay, you've nailed the simulator a couple of times now, but we need to start getting you to fly the jet again. So we're just going to take the jet on the runway, we're not taking it up in the air, we'll do that soon," Noah explained to Jen. Josh and I came along as moral support before we had to head to training. Since the Lieutenant spoke to us, he made sure that we're going to start attending training again.

Jennifer has really been pushing herself these past few days, making herself calm down and making herself do what she fears most. I personally believe it has to do with finding her brother and of course to take down her father. Thinking back to what she told us, I couldn't believe that Sergeant Rose was capable of that; I mean murder and rape? Really? If I didn't see Jennifer's face and how she reacted when she told us, I most certainly would not have believed a word she uttered.

Jennifer made her way over to the Jet and got it before Noah, he was going to 'fly' as her co-pilot until she's comfortable enough to actually lift off the ground. Noah already had someone in mind to fly as her co-pilot when she's ready, he saw the way she and Missy got along and talked to the girl yesterday, asking her if that was something that she would do. Missy agreed to change partners which Noah didn't doubt since she was having some problems with her current one for a while and surprise surprise, it's- or was- Kaleigh. That girl is a pain in the ass.

Jennifer's therapy seemed to have been working, she's down to once a week and is going on her own now. Her therapist informed us that she's really making progress and opening up. Talking really does help a person, it's just sad that Jennifer never really had anyone to talk to up until now.

The jet door closed just as Missy made her way over to me and Josh, "Heard she's going on the runway today, wanted to come see how she was doing after that escapade at the bar,"

"She's doing okay actually. She talked to the Lieutenant and General, explain the situation and everything, so she's ready to go on with her training."

"That's really good. When is she going in the air?" The girl asked as the jet started moving. "I'm not sure, Noah said soon, but I think he just wants to see how she does behind the wheel again, how she handles it. Have you and Jennifer spoken a lot recently?"

"Yep, she's really sweet. We went on a run the other day when the two of you were at training. I'm glad that we'll be co-pilots, she seems like she knows what she's doing, it's just her confidence that we need to build up again, but she seems to be well on her way with what the three of you have been doing with her,"

"Do you think she's ready to go back up in the air?"

"I think what Noah should do is fly with her sitting in the co-pilot seat for a few times, letting her have some control for a few minutes at a time until she's the one flying. It's what my previous Sergeant did with me when I had a few bad flights, and after that, I was back on my feet."

Josh and I looked at each other, letting her words sink in for a bit before he spoke, "Missy, would it be possible if you could do it with her? You say you've also lost confidence before, so you know what it feels like. You and Jen will connect on a different level, and besides, you'll be flying together soon anyway,"

"I don't know if Noah will allow that," She says unsure looking at the Jet making it's way back towards us, "but I'll ask for you. I like the girl and you, you're lucky," She chuckled and walked up to the jet when it came to a stop. Noah got out and talked to her, seeming to think something over while making his way over to us,

"Are you two comfortable with this?"

"Yes, we suggested it,"

"You're not just doing this to keep me away from the girl?"

"Obviously not, we're not idiots. Besides we have nothing against you, we just want what's best for her,"

"Okay," He sighed and turned towards Missy, "Missy! Get ready and get in the jet! I want you to go a bit faster than what I just had. If this works she'll be in the sky by this evening,"

"You want her to fly so soon already?"'

"We'll see how it goes. But she was pretty calm when we were on the runway,"

Missy got into the jet and turned it around to do another few laps of the track when we had to leave for training,

Jennifer P.O.V

When Missy came into the jet instead of Noah I was confused but she filled me in on what we were going to do and I had to say, I was pretty comfortable if she was going to be flying as my co-pilot, I trusted her, if she said I would be able to fly again by the end of the day then I will fly by this evening. Missy took me for another run of the track before handing over to me. It felt good to be in control again, I missed this if I was being completely honest with myself.

"You ready to go up?"

"I think so,"

"Great. Okay, so I'll fly for the first few minutes then hand over to you for a bit. If you feel overwhelmed at any point let me know and I'll take over again,"

"Sounds good," true to her word, Missy flew the first five minutes and gave me a warning before giving over to me. I stumbled a bit before I managed to gain control and the feeling was fantastic. The adrenaline was a good change. I knew my brother wouldn't have wanted me to stop flying and I knew that right now I would've made him proud,

"You still okay?"

"I'm perfect, this is perfect!" I laughed as I flew through the air

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