chapter 16

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Jennifer P.O.V

"Take a left up here," I've been guiding the men for the past few hours how to drive to get here. When they heard how far it exactly was, they wanted to fly to get here, but when I informed them that there was no way we would be able to since the lake house was in the forest, they just nodded; I swear I saw Calleb and Josh's shoulders slump, not excited for the excruciatingly long drive with our General and Lieutenant.

When we finally saw the house in the distance, we switched the car off and got out, bringing our guns with us. Making our way up to the door quietly, I informed them that the door we needed to go through to get to the 'safe house' was at the back of the main bedroom. They nodded and gave us the signal to go in after the Lieutenant. General and Calleb went around the back to block the back door in case he ran through there.

When we entered the old wooden house, I saw take out boxes on the kitchen counter along with beer cans, indicating that someone was here recently. No one was in the living room or spare bedrooms, so we made our way to the main room, our guns still pointed and armed in front of us, ready to shoot when he comes out attacking.

I pointed to the body mirror on the wall as Calleb and General Maree made their way into the room. Josh looked at me expectantly as I went to move the mirror. I took it from the wall and entered the pin, letting the heavy metal door swing open, revealing the metal stairs that I remembered putting in. I slowly made my way down them still armed with my gun as I looked around the massive dark room. We didn't dare put the lights on, knowing it will alarm my father, letting him run, so instead we stayed in the dark, our guns emitting read beams in front of us where we aimed it.

"Daddy! Why do we need to stay in here?" Came a sweet innocent familiar voice. I froze in my place looking for my sister,

"Yeah, dad, it's scary down here, I want to go home,"

"Just shut up!" The voice that haunted my dreams echoed on the walls,

"That's him, who're the kids? You know them?" Lieutenant whispered over to me,

"They're my siblings. Sir, we can't let him take them with him. He'll kill them sooner or later ad well,"

"He won't get away with them,"

With that said, Calleb and Josh were instructed to go around the other way while the Lieutenant, General, and I made our way forward. Sneaking up to where they were sitting, my father made his way into the gun room, leaving my siblings sitting against the cage-like wall. I slowly walked up to them. When they saw me, their eyes lit up and were about to scream. I quickly put my finger on my mouth telling them to keep quiet as I made my way over.

"Hey, monkeys! Listen I'm happy to see you two as well, but I need you to go over to that blue car over there okay? I need you to sit in the corner behind it for me and count to a hundred," I whispered at them with a smile,

"Are we playing hide and seek?" My sister whispered back at me with a huge grin, not bothered by the gun at all,

"Yes, we are, now go and count slow. If you hear any noise at all, cover your ears and sit tight until me or my friends come and get you, don't make a sound and count softly," The two grinned and giggled quietly, running to where I instructed. Standing up from my crouching position, I gave a nod at the rest telling them to move in, but just as we were about to move, my dad came out with guns in his arms.

When he saw us he dropped all the guns and grabbed his pistol shooting at us randomly before ducking behind a car. The five of us jumped for cover but when there wasn't any shooting we heard a car rev to life. When we emerged from our places, the care he hid behind started to drive away. He was heading straight for the wall on the other side, confusing everyone except me.

"No, no, no!" I shouted and ran for the power box. Just as I opened it to cut off all the power he opened the lake door.

"Shit!" I ran back upstairs and outside with everyone else following straight behind me. Looking out on the lake that was now split into two with a road running through it, the asshole sped away at an impossible speed,

"Mother-" I shouted only getting cut off by my siblings running around my feet,

"Found you!" I looked down at them and sighed a deep sigh, smiling and nodding down at them,

"Yes, you did. But I thought I told you to stay put?"

"It's scary down there! There are monsters with red stuff on them!"

"It's okay. Can you two wait in the kitchen for me? I'll be there in a second,"

They started bumping each other as they ran inside laughing. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around me, I looked up and came face to face with Joshua, "It's okay, we'll get him soon enough,"

"That soon enough needs to be now, he knows we're onto him. He'll disappear in a few hours if he doesn't want to be found he won't be found. He won't be dumb enough to go to a place he knows that Jennifer knows about. But speaking of, why didn't you tell us about that door?"

"To be honest I didn't know about it. My brother always wanted to put it in, but when we left each time we never got to it, I wouldn't have assumed he would do it without me. When he started driving to the wall I figured that was what he was going for,"

"Does that car have a tracker?"

"If my brother was down here without me knowing to put that door in, then I won't be surprised. But the question is if my father disabled it or not."

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