chapter 25

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Calleb P.O.V

Alex has been a great help around here. He's helped us start tracking Phillip, kept the little ones busy when Lieutenant Black and General Maree was working on the computers. They were impressed with Jennifer's set up, we all were, we were defiantly not expecting it. After the steroids that Alex took, he, Jennifer, and the General have all been on pain meds, raiding the medicine supply which will be out shortly at this rate, luckily they were getting close at getting to where Phillip was; the only problem though was that the closer we got, the more secure the areas started to look.

We've been down here for almost a week, our food supply has been holding us pretty well as well as our water, but we would definitely not last a month down here with the number of people we were, we had to speed up the proses a little, but I knew all of us were doing our best in this situation.

Noah called us again earlier telling us how stuff were going that side and how they were still looking for all of us now, not just me, Josh, and Jennifer anymore. He told us how they were being kept under surveillance and being monitored, their every move being watched, they can't call for backup from other bases, otherwise, they'd get killed, but from what I've heard they've infiltrated most of the bases in close distance, so for all of this shit to go away, we'd have to take Phillip down and get him behind bars.

I haven't told anyone this, but after what I've heard he did to Jennifer and her mother, after what I've seen he did to Alex, how terrified Jennifer's siblings are to sleep now after they saw that horrible scene back in the UK, after I found out what a monster he really was, I understood why Jennifer wanted him to have a fate worse than death... I wanted him to have a fate worse than death. I couldn't imagine my older sister going through half the shit these two kids have been through at their age, they're going to have serious mental issues in the long run, especially after all these gunshots, jaguars chasing their sister into the forest at night, their uncle covered in blood, their father being a total psychopath,
I really pitied them. I pitied Jennifer. I pitied their mother. Now, I know people don't like pity most of the time, but I can't help it if you were standing where I was now, looking at the screens in front of you, looking at two people who were tracking their father to put him behind bars, you'd understand.

"Wait... is that...?"

"That is..." Jennifer and Alex looked at each other, a wicked look glistering in their eyes,

"What are you two talking about?"

"That damn bastard may be phsyco, but he's smart. Unfortunately not smart enough." Alex said looking at us, "He took a boat from the lake house and transported it somewhere else."

"How do you know?"

"We always had a small livable boat at the lake, I just thought my father sold it a really long time ago but looks like he just moved it. These documents are dated from back to two thousand and nine. He never sold the damn thing, he transported it to Greece. And guess where?"

"Ann," Erick said and snapped his head towards Jennifer, eyes wide.

"Yep, it seems like you were right not to trust her. But looks like we're going to Greece after all. He doesn't have anywhere else to go since most of his allies are stationed at bases,"

"Once we have him, we can force him to call them off, they'll be arrested while on the bases,"

"We'll be taking down his entire operation..."


"What are we waiting for then?" Alex asked, making his way over to the jets,

"Where are we going?" Angelique asked with wide curious eyes. Jennifer seemed to be at war with herself, not knowing what to do. She didn't want to take them with, but we couldn't leave them here, that's waiting for an accident to happen, besides, no matter how secure this place might be, we don't know who knows about its location,

"I'll keep them company," Erick's voice rang out. All of us looked over to him as he sat on a chair at the computers,

"I'll only hold you back out there with my injuries. I'll be fine here. But promise me one thing? When you see that son of a bitch, don't hold back." Erick had a deadly look in his eyes as he looked at Jennifer and Alex, who both had a serious expression, telling him that they weren't planning to.


After Jennifer explained to her siblings that they were staying and we said goodbyes to them and Erick, we made our way onto one of their jets. Which by the way, made one hell of an exit when we took off. The waterfall that we heard when we first came here literally split into two, giving us a way to go out to be on our way.

We were currently getting our bulletproof vests on with our guns ready to shoot as we finally stopped in Greece at Jennifer's aunt's place. We saw her small body come out of her tiny house in the distance, running towards the jet with a frown and a gun in her own hand. When she was finally close enough, we got out, letting her stop in her tracks when she saw Jennifer and Alex first,

"My niece and... nephew! What are you two doing here!?" The old hag asked, trying to hide her gun behind her back,

"Hello, Ann,"

"It's aunt Ann to you two," She spat at them, taking her gun out as she glared, giving up on the pleasantries immediately when she realized we weren't here for cookies and tea.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know who you're talking about,"

"You dare help that bastard! After everything!?"

"He's been more family than you twats, now get. Before I start shooting,"

"Go ahead. You'll have a bullet in your head before you could even get your finger to the trigger,"

The woman seemed to realize this as well, so she figured her best option was to run and scream, "Phillip! RUN!" She yelled, but Alex was quick and shot her. We only needed her to confirm him being here, which she so kindly shouted out for us.

Walking over the witch, she had blood pooling from her gut as she clutched her abdomen. I kicked the gun away from her reach and watched as she gasped for her final breath, slouching down to the floor, exhaling one last time.

Phillip, here we come...

Storm Of PainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora