chapter 6

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"Stop, just stop,"

Jennifer stopped hitting the bag and held her shoulder, panting. She glared at me and went to walk over to her water,

"What's your problem?"

"My problem? My problem is that you can't even hit the bag for five minutes before you're in pain, my problem is that you're acting like a damn bitch to both Calleb and I since we've started helping you a few days ago. I get that you have your own shit going on, we all do, but you're the one that wanted to come back to the military,"

"Apologies, Sir," Jennifer straightened up and dropped her hand from her shoulder, wiping all emotion from her face and staring forward as if I just gave her an order,

"Stop with that shit as well while you're at it. You either have respect or you don't, you don't flippen fake it," I snapped at her and walked to the mat,

"We'll do something that doesn't involve your arm for the time being. Sit-ups until I tell you to stop," The girl made her way over to me and dropped down to the floor, not saying a single word before she started doing as instructed. After a few minutes, I had her doing squats and lunges. The entire morning was spent doing core and leg workouts, Jennifer still being as quiet as a mouse,

"Tonight we're going for a run, wear whatever you're comfortable with. We're just doing a short run, but with a pace of seven to eight minutes,"

"Yes, Sir,"

"What did I tell you earlier?"

"Listen, I have respect okay? I respect all that you and Sergeant Hemmings and everyone else has done for this country, I respect your title and I respect you two as people for what you've done. But It's not going to change what you two said about me. You think you know me, you assume stuff about me, but in reality, you know nothing about me or my life, just like I know nothing about you, Sir. If you'll excuse me,"

After putting on her shirt she left through the glass doors of the building, leaving me to think about what she said. It's true, we didn't know a single thing about her other than what the General told us. Just because she saved his life though, doesn't mean she's not a snobby rich bitch, but then again Calleb and I are to thank for her attitude towards us,

"Why are you just standing there? You have training in five, come on, hurry up,"

"Yes, Sir. On my way," Nodding my head in respect I made my way towards the training grounds, ready to get my ass kicked,

"You ready?" Calleb asked running along next to me,

"Are we ever ready for this?" He just chuckled as we lined up looking at our commanding officer,


Jennifer P.O.V

He is so infuriating!

Neither of them know what I've been through yet they pretend like they know me, make assumptions about what I'm like. I get why they said what they did, really I do, with my father and my uncle it's not difficult to see where they came from, but it doesn't mean that I'm not a human with feelings.

After I walked out of the building I knew he had training with Calleb, so he won't be able to follow after me like two of them have done previously. I spoke my mind and managed to walk off, which doesn't happen often. Walking into the quiet and empty apartment was a weird change, but I welcomed it with open arms and plopped down onto the couch drifting off for a few minutes.

I was woken up rather abruptly by my phone's ringtone next to me, the one person who I most certainly didn't want to talk to, calling me. But I knew if I didn't answer I could kiss seeing my siblings ever again bye.

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