chapter 18

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Jennifer was in full protective mode with helping her uncle. I would be too if this was my uncle that was tortured by my father. We stripped Sergeant Erick from his torn clothes as Calleb went to look for the First Aid kit or something. He only came back with some gauze, bandages, and alcohol along with a cloth and a bowl of water.

Setting everything down, we cleaned Sergeant Erick up with the cloth, wiping all the blood off as Jennifer found a needle and some thread to stitch up the wounds starting with the knives that were still in his thighs. I cleaned his hands with the alcohol, helping Jennifer with the stitching on his hands before bandaging them as well as his thighs. We also soaked some of the bandages in ice water to wrap around his torso for the electrical burns after putting on some cream that we found downstairs.

After all the burns were covered with a chilled bandage and all the wounds were stitched up, we wiped down the last bit of blood, covering him with the blanket and walking out.

"Sissy!" Jennifer was attacked by her siblings the moment she came out of the room. I smiled at the three when she chuckled, "Hey guys. Do you two mind staying up here with Lieutenant Black?"

They nodded and ran back to the chuckling man who smiled at Jennifer. I followed her back down along with Calleb and the General. Jennifer sighed and walked back into the disturbing room, trying to step over the bodies to fix the computer problem. After about ten minutes the technology zoomed to life, letting Jennifer speed out of the room, closing the door behind her with a sigh.

She walked straight to a chair and got to work on tracking the car. She activated the GPS system and saw a red dot appearing on a map on the screen. She zoomed in on the map, rubbing her temple in defeat,


"He's an idiot... a smart idiot,"

"What do you mean?

"He ditched the car at a warehouse. Where he stored a bunch of his work stuff, no doubt cars as well. Wherever he is now, we won't find him very soon,"


We've been sitting in this house for about twelve hours now, waiting for Sergeant Erick to wake up. It was starting to get boring, the kids fell asleep about two hours ago. Jennifer made sure to inspect them for injuries after we came back up, and luckily it didn't seem like the dick layed a hand on them.

Jennifer insisted on cleaning that horrible room and putting the AC on down there for the bodies until the people we called back at base arrived here. I walked down after her and insisted on helping her since she wasn't going to be talked out of this. She wanted to keep her mind busy, which was understandable.

We took a couple of pictures of the scene before we pulled the bodies out of the room along with the chair. Using a cloth each, we started wiping down the blood from the higher places, working our way down, using a mop for the floor. The room itself apparently had an AC for the computer systems to stay cool, so we put that on at it's coldest, dragging the bodies back in, taking pictures of the victims' faces for evidence.

"Listen, you're so strong, you know that?" I asked her after we washed up, still downstairs. We sat down on the sofa in the corner, pulling her into my embrace. Jennifer started sobbing and shaking her head at my comment, "I-I can't believe he did th-this..."

"None of us can. Don't worry, he'll get what he deserves very soon, you don't have to worry," I looked down at her and wiped her tear-stained cheek with the pad of my thumb. Jennifer's eyes flickered down to my lips as she leaned into my palm before her eyes flickered back to mine. She probably didn't think I noticed, but I damn sure did. Flickering my own eyes down to her plump lips, I looked into her eyes as I started leaning forward. Jennifer got the hint when I was a few inches away from her and met me halfway.

I closed my eyes as I savored the taste of her, our lips moving in perfect harmony. Pulling away she smiled when I leaned my forehead on hers, kissing her again. Before things started to get heated, I pulled away again and pulled her tighter into my chest. I don't know what it was about this girl, but she was attracting me like a damn magnet. To think how far we've actually come from when she was so bitchy in our kitchen, to kissing in her safe house.

"Guys, Erick is waking up," Came the General's voice from the top. Both of us shot up and almost sprinted to the room, watching as Erick tried to sit up. Lieutenant Black passed him some pain pills and water which he greedily accepted and sighed.

He looked around the room and stopped when his eyes landed on Jennifer. He gave a weak smile and opened his arms for her. She instantly walked over to him and accepted his hug, sobs racking her body once again,

"I-I'm sorry! I-If I knew I would h-have been-n here sooner..."

"Shh... It's okay. You came just in time." He smiled and pulled her closer, looking up at me with a grateful smile, "You. Thank you. If it wasn't for you hearing me, I wouldn't be here right now."

"It's not a problem at all. I'm just glad you're okay now," I smiled back. He looked at the General and Lieutenant before chuckling,

"How is it that you two always meet me in these situations?"

"You seem to attract trouble and we always seem to save your ass," General Maree chuckled along with Lieutenant Black.

Just then we heard one of the kids screaming. Jennifer was up in record time and sprinted past us before we even comprehended what was happening. In a few seconds, she was carrying a crying girl and had a very disturbed boy holding onto her hand,

"Why are they here? What happened?" Erick asked shocked,

"Da- Phillip, brought them. They had a nightmare."


"They say the room, uncle..."

"The room?"

"Where we found you."

"Why the hell where they even near that?" He asked getting mad, "Phillip shouldn't even have brought them, no matter how jacked up his brain is!"

"Language!" Jennifer hissed, putting them on the bed next to Erick before we heard a knock at the door. Everyone went tense as the sound echoed through the place.

"Take this," Lieutenant Black passed Erick a gun, "Keep the kids with you,"

We started walking to the front with our guns up and ready, the General staying with Erick just in case, but when we got to the front it was the military that finally arrived. Opening the door we let them in, stepping aside, although, something seemed off about these people, very off...

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