chapter 15

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"Guys! Guys!"

Jennifer's voice rang through the apartment as she came running into the kitchen, jumping on top of me, almost sending me to the floor,

"Whoa! Easy there! What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Nothing!"

"Then why are you acting like this?" I asked her as I moved my head back a little to look into her eyes. She was sporting a shit-eating grin, earning one from me and Calleb when we saw it,

"I flew!"

"You what?" I asked shocked and dumbfounded,

"I flippin flew the jet!"

"Jennifer that's fantastic! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed and gave her a bone-crushing hug, Calleb smiling over the counter, "Proud of you, Jennifer."

Just as we were about to celebrate, there was a loud, earth-shattering BOOM echoing, shaking the walls and floor. Stumbling around with Jennifer in my arms, I held onto her tighter as she clutched onto my neck.

When the noise didn't stop I placed Jennifer onto her feet and went to the see what was happening. Through the window, I could see massive explosions, angry red fires, and staff members panicking. Seeing jets taking off from the track, they flew up into the sky along with soldiers running into combat with their guns in place as they aimed at something,

"We need to get down there."

"What's happening?"

"We're being bombed miss Rose," Came the Lieutenant's voice as he walked into our apartment with purpose and determination, "Did you manage to fly yet?"

"Yes, Sir. Today,"

"We'll need you in the air if this continues. For now, I want all three of you to guard the prisoner from the ba-" The Lieutenant got cut off by his phone ringing. He glanced at us as he talked onto the phone, his voice void from emotion and his face expressionless,

"Never mind. He's already escaped,"

"What do you mean?"

"It seems as though the bombing was an escape attempt, and they've definitely succeeded. Mister Lewis is no longer in his cell, but someone else is..." He said and looked directly at Jennifer,

"Who's in his cell?" Jennifer asked. In the background, I could hear the bombing becoming less and less, until there was no noise left, except the loud panicked people outside,

"Your brother,"


Alex, as we learned her brother's name was, was laying in the hospital bed before us, hooked with machines. The guy was beaten up pretty badly, bruises littered his body, angry scars covering him, gashes all over, third-degree burns. He had bruises around his wrists and ankles, showing us that he was restrained. The doctor came in and informed us all that it would be a miracle if he remembered even his own name with the severe head trauma he's experienced.

Jennifer was pretty shaken up seeing her brother like that, which is understandable, whoever did this to the guy, was sick. From what we know by now, I won't be surprised if it was Sergeant Rose himself, I mean, look at what he did to his own wife and kid!

"You okay Jen? Can I get you something?"

"What we can get, is my damn father. Where is the Lieutenant?"

"I'm here. And I'm with you. Doing that to one of our own? It's gone too far. The cameras we've had set up and installed caught something that we believe is him ordering the bombing. It's enough to dismiss him and get him sent away for life."

"He deserves so much more than just prison..."

"I know. How long until he wakes up?"

"Doctors said that they're not sure, but he should wake up sometime this week,"

"That's good news, if he wakes up, we'll see if he remembers anything that could help us, but for the time being, I want you three to come with me so that we can track Sergeant Rose. He's gone into hiding, no one knows where he is at the moment, he's a ghost,"

"That's just fantastic. Let's go and get this over with, I want him gone,"


"No, he won't be there, it'll be too obvious," Jennifer said, going through location possibilities where her father might be,

"Well, then where would you suggest?"

"I... don't know. He might be... we had a lake house a while back that he loved. The house is in complete isolation, no one around for hours, our family are the only ones that knew where it was but he wouldn't be there either." Jennifer shook her head before it looked like a lightbulb went on her mind, "Unless... General can I use your laptop for a sec?"

General Maree passes his laptop over to her and she got to work. Her fingers moving over the keys like lightning bolts, typing in random digits and letters,

"What are you doing, miss Rose?"

"Just give me a second..." She drawled out and made a sound of victory, turning the screen for us to see a small wooden house,

"Is that the lake house?"

"Yes, Sir,"

"But you just said he won't be there,"

"In the lake house, yes. But a while back, my brother and I built a safe house under it before we went into the military, we made it our personal safe house. My guess would be that he makes a stop there first, he would need stuff to go under the radar; a new car, food, money, stuff to get him to disappear,"

"Then let's go. It's a start."

"We need to keep this on the low for as long as we can and as much as possible until we have him. The lot of us are going, and that's it. Get ready and meet us at the gate, we'll have weapons and equipment ready for you,"

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