chapter 30

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"Come on! We need to fine Calleb!" She told me, untying the restraints that held me to the chair,

"How did you..."

"They didn't tie me up after they dumped me on the chair. Damn idiots forget military training means including shit like this,"

She grumbled and went to open the door, but it being locked, she rammed into it with her robotic arm, breaking the wood into splinters. I followed her as we checked room after room, finally founding Calleb with a sorrowful look on his face. When he saw the two of us he didn't even light up a bit and when I looked to the side I saw why.

Sitting against the wall was Missy, with a bullet wound, busy bleeding out.

"Calleb" I sighed and helped Jennifer untie him. He stood up on wobbly legs, but Jennifer caught him as I went to pick up Missy's body, wrapping her shirt tightly around her waist to stop the bleeding. He looked over at me and it was like something snapped. His eyes went full of rage, sadness pushed to the back of his mind,

"Tell me he's dead."

"Headshot. He didn't see it coming."

"Hope he sees your father in hell." He seethed and took Missy from my arms.

"Come on," Jennifer said with a soft voice, gun pointing in front of her while pulling a phone out,

"Where did you get that?"

"Pulled it off Marcell before we left," She said and dialed a number just as we rounded a corner, looking for an exit.

"Uncle Erick. I need you to please track this phone. I'm sure you've heard what happened. But we need you to come get us." It was silent for a while and then she said her goodbyes, pocketing the phone in her back pocket. She looked at us and nodded her head, we followed her, staying behind her when we heard shooting coming at us. She aimed for the goons shooting down at his, reloading with the guns she picked up that were on the dead bodies. As they came closer to us, I grabbed two and hit them into the wall, grabbing their guns and passing one to Calleb.

Shooting and letting goon after goon drop dead in front of us. We fought until we were out of breath and a few extra bruises matching Marcell's from earlier. When we didn't hear anyone coming down the hall, the three of us ran at full speed to get the hell out of here.

By the time we got out of the building, we were faced with sand, sand, and more sand. There was nothing around for miles.

Just then a sound that I never thought I'd be happy to hear came through the air. In the distance, I could hear a helicopter coming our way. By the time it was near us, it landed motioning for us to get in. We didn't need to be told twice as we sprinted over and jumped in, Calleb having a little difficulty with Missy.

I helped him out and pulled him up just as shooting was heard again, aimed at us. Erick took off as fast as he could, heading straight for base. Missy was struggling to hold on as we flew to get medical help.

It took us about twenty minutes to get there, rushing Missy into surgery.

Black and Maree came running up to us with question in their eyes.

"What happened?"

"Marcell happened,"

"Where is he now?"

"Burning in hell,"


"Jennifer shot him. He was going to kill her."

"Well, I'm very happy you got to him first."

"Please tell me Phillip is behind bars at least?"

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"He was shot. He's dead Jennifer."

"What!? By who!?"

"We don't know yet, we're working on it as we're speaking. Someone wanted him dead real bad though, made sure that he stayed dead."

Jennifer was deep in thought, her eyebrows furrowed,

"What is it?"

"That was too easy,"


"Phillip was scared of a top organized crime boss. One that knew what he was doing. The people that took us..."

"Were amateurs."

"What do you mean?"

"Firstly, around twenty minutes away from base, really? Second, wooden doors? Wouldn't it be more difficult for us to escape usually? Then there was them not tying me to the chair when they dragged me to that room to shoot me. Surely if he knew what he was doing he would've tied me up to secure me even more. And then there was him only having one weapon on him. Only one. If he was a crime boss, he most certainly would not have only just had one, pistol,"

Just then the phone that Jennifer still had in her pocket started ringing. She looked at it skeptically and put it on speaker as she answered,

"Well, aren't you the clever one, miss Rose?"

"Who is this?"

"Take a wild guess."


"Correct." This voice sounded more composed, more sure of himself, more in control,

"How do you-"

"Know what you're talking about? I have eyes and ears everywhere. Best you remember that for future occurrences. I have a feeling you and I will be having a lot to do with each other. Oh, and I do hope your friend pull through, but if you'd have been kidnapped by me, I would've had more grace doing so and she would be dead. An imposter is a disgrace to my name, so I should be thanking you for taking care of him for me, saves me the trouble. Enjoy your day miss Rose, and remember... take care..."

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