three days and confessions

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Frankie has been home from Anguilla for three days, three crazy days

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Frankie has been home from Anguilla for three days, three crazy days. On the first day, Noah asked Amelia to move in with him and as happy as Frankie was for the both of them, she knew that that would mean she'd be alone in her apartment. She often wished she lived alone but when Amelia and Noah took the last box out of the apartment on the third day, she couldn't help the immense loneliness creeping up on her.

The second day was filled with her getting ready for the next semester of classes, which got her quite excited to be back. She planned her lessons for the first few days, printing out everything she would need and even stopped by the school to get her desk organised before school was actually set to start. That night, she went to her parent's for dinner.

"How was your holiday, Love?" Her mum asks when she walks into the kitchen, bottle of wine in hand.

"It was really great mum" she kisses her cheek and hands her the wine. "Where's da?"

"He should be back from the hospital in a bit" Her mum replies as she pours wine for the both of them. "So tell me about your holiday"

"I uh met this man while we were there" Frankie blushes as she sips on her wine.

"Francesca! That's great! Tell me all about him" Her mum turns her attention to her daughter who begins telling the story of how she met Harry. Throughout the story, Elena watches her daughter's face brighten as she talks about the mystery man. But when she nears the end of the story, Elena notices her face dulling and her happy expression is replaced by one of complexity.

"So now he's somewhere in Los Angeles and we didn't even exchange numbers." She sighs sadly. "I don't even know if it's worth it, now that I'm back to reality" She wipes a stray tear away. 

See, since Frankie has been home, she's had a lot of time to herself to think about her relationship with Harry. She cared for him, a lot, almost too much too soon but also couldn't get Glenne's words out of her head. She knows how hard any relationship is and what Glenne said about getting into one with Harry at this stage of his career, really made her second guess her choices. She didn't want to tell Amelia or her mum what Glenne had told her, knowing both their answers would be to stay away from heartbreak. But she also knew that they would both tell her that she would never know if she doesn't try, ultimately landing her in the same mindset as she's in now.

Her final verdict was reached on the morning of the third day at home as she helped Amelia pack her things. Amelia told her that Sarah had messaged her to ask for Frankie's number for Harry. She thought about it the whole day as they packed Amelia's things and by the end of the day, when Amelia asked again, she knew her decision could come back and bite her in the ass in the future but after telling Amelia and heading to bed that night, she finally felt calmer.

On the morning of the fourth day, as she got ready for school, the nagging feeling at the back of her mind was gone. She managed to get through the morning, only thinking about her decision once before heading to work. For the rest of the day, her thoughts were consumed by her students' and the work they had to complete by Easter. By the end of the day, she had successfully not thought of her decision until one of her students asked her about her holiday.

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