11 hours and clichés

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"Amelia, I need your help" Harry says frantically into his phone as he paces his living room, his bags packed and ready waiting at his front door

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"Amelia, I need your help" Harry says frantically into his phone as he paces his living room, his bags packed and ready waiting at his front door.

"Harry! This is a surprise" She chuckles nervously on the other side of the phone and world.

"I know Frankie doesn't want to see me" He says quickly and Amelia nods, knowing that that's what he wanted to talk about. "But I have to speak to her, she needs to know that I'm not gonna let us, her, go this easily"

"Harry" Amelia sighs, knowing she's gonna have to break his heart. "I'm so sorry but she's made her mind up"

"No no, I can change it" He feels his heart quickening.

"Harry" she sighs again, heart breaking for the man that loves her friend.

"Please, Lia" He begs, "If she says no, I'll let her go, I promise. I just need to give it one more try"

The line is quiet for a bit before Amelia nods on her side and finally answers him, "What can I do?"

Harry then discusses his very few plans of wooing Frankie and when none of them stick between the two of them, Amelia advises him to use his 11 hours on the plane to think some more. She tells him that she's seeing Frankie the next night, Harry's first night in London, and that she'll try talk to her and get some more information from her. She also told him to plan for Sunday, thinking it would be better for him to freshen up a bit, see his family and get ready to face Frankie. He agreed and once they were done on the phone, his car had arrived to take him to the airport. On the way, he called his mum to tell her he was on his way back and asked if she could be in London for the weekend, which she quickly agreed to. He needs his mum with him if he's gonna win Frankie back, knowing she's the only person who can truly smack him into shape and into reality.

Once the plane is in the air and Harry's cosy in first class, a glass of wine in front of him along with his journal, he begins jotting down some ideas, as Amelia had suggested.

Fighting for Frankie:

Buy her flowers

Get her food?

Surprise her at school

Get Amelia to bring her to the rooftop and surprise her there

As Harry looks through his notes, he knows that nothing he's coming up with is good enough for her. He takes a break, hoping that by giving his mind a rest, he would come up with something brilliant. He gets comfortable before going through the movie selections on the screen in front of him, a few catching his eye- How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You, (500) Days of Summer, Friends with Benefits- all movies that made him think of Frankie and that's when the idea popped into his head. He sat forward quickly, writing all his ideas into his journal excitedly before writing down the finer details so he could start getting things done as soon as he was in London.

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