tears and proclamations

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It's been just over ten minutes after Frankie got home from work the next Friday night when her doorbell buzzes

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It's been just over ten minutes after Frankie got home from work the next Friday night when her doorbell buzzes.

She's had one of the worst and longest days ever. It all started when she rushed out of her flat but in her rush, she spilled her coffee all over her white blouse which resulted in her changing her whole outfit, ten minutes before she was meant to be at work. Then at work, one of her coworkers asked her on a date and she apologised, admitting she has a boyfriend which made her realise she hadn't spoken to Harry the night before, making her upset. Then her students just decided that today they would mess around and not pay attention to her as she tried to go over their assignments for the next month. Then on her way home she decided to pick up some takeouts which turned out to be the absolute worst idea as her Chinese food spilled all over her car. So as soon as she got home, she put a pizza in the oven and started her bath, ready to unwind with a face mask, wine and Michael Scott.

But as it turns out, the universe has different plans for her.

"Hello?" She answers her intercom.

"Bella?" She could recognise the voice anywhere. The deep voice sending shivers down her body, her head spinning and the earlier disgust from the Chinese coming up her body. She's frozen in place, her pointer finger still holding the intercom button, hoping she was dreaming. "Francesca?" Indeed, she was not.

Her mind goes wild with her options. She could just avoid answering him, act as if she wasn't home. But she answered the intercom.  She could see what he wants, invite him up for a cuppa. But that's bound to end in disaster. She could also just ask him what he wants through the intercom, win- win. She'll be safe in her apartment and he won't be anywhere near her.

"Sam?" She asks, her voice strong but the complete opposite of her emotions.

"Hi Bella" He uses her nickname and this time she really feels like vomiting, her stomach begging to do what her mind instructs. But she brushes it off.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, going against her body's wishes.

"I miss you, needed to see you" He says and she pulls her finger away for a moment to grab her phone and send her friends a message about her situation. "Lemme up, needa give you some love" he adds

"You need to leave Sam" She says, her whole body now shaking, face with her nightmare.

"If you won't let me up at least come down so we can talk?" His soft voice streams through her apartment and although she knows he's clearly faking it, it strikes a chord in her chest and she finds herself walking downstairs to meet him at the entrance of her flat building. As her feet take her down to a horrible piece of her past, she questions his intentions, wondering why he would want to see her after however long it's been since they broke up. The first thing that pops into her mind is that perhaps, somehow, someway he knows she's in a happy relationship and he's just here to fuck it up, as he does with everything.

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