Just yeet-

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America: Welcome the English household , today we're going to be looking some of this household's strangest creatures.

Britain: America what are you doing?

America: There he is, the wild Britain. The leader of the pack.

Britain: Go wash the dishes.

America: As you can see, he's feasting on his prey. The tea cup.

Britain: America please leave me alone-

America: The Britain wants to be left alone, so we must move on now.

Australia: Hey mate! Whatcha doin'?

America: Ah yes, the wild Aussie.

Australia: I got this snake-

America: It's time to leave the wild Aussie.

Australia: Wait don't go! I have so many beautiful creatures I have to show you!

America:Good bye wild Aussie.

America: Now onto a very interesting creature, a wild Canada.

Canada: Ame get out of my room!

America: It appears the Canada is upset. Let's cheer him up. *Throws pancakes at Canada*

Canada: Oof- thank you bro. Now leave please.

America: The wild Canada is now happy.

America: The wild new Zealand is sleeping, so we'll have to move on to the wild france-

France: Touch my baguette I rip off your foot.

America: It appears the France is in a bad mood.

France: If you don't leave right now I will end you. *picks up wine bottle*

America: Oh dear-

America: Now onto the last member of this interesting, broken family. The Bahamas.

Bahamas: YoU tAuGhT a lEsSoN tO mE tHaT I hAd to lEaRn! AnD I'm sO soRrY cUz yOu lEt OuR bRidGeS bUrN! I sAiD I LoVe yOu aNd I WisH I nEvEr dId!

America, knowing what she's doing: What?

Bahamas: I swear to God I swear to God you stupid b*tch-

America/Bahamas: I thought that we were meant to be, you took my heart and made it bleed!

Canada: Can y'all stop-

Britain: Bahamas I'm going to ban you from hanging out with America.

France: Don't do that.

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