List of aus (Plus an oc-)

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So I have alot of CH aus, I guess that's just my thing now. Making CH aus- oh and pretty much all these are about America sorry-


1. Cyber! AU

An au where after a battle, America is left hospitalized. The only way to save him is to turn him into a robot Android thing-

2. King! AU

In this au, America is a thief who one day finds a crown and gets corrupted by its power.

3. Have you heard the legends? Au

I haven't really named this au yet but we'll go with this-

In this au, Russia, germany, Ukraine and Belarus go on a trip to the woods. It just so happens that the woods they're in aren't any normal woods. These woods have secrets. (I'm too lazy to describe more, I worked really hard on this au when I was first making it)


America: Hey fandom about that king au- what the hell is happening

*fandom is evolving!*

America: She's a pokemon??

*Fandom evolved into...*

America: I just wanted to ask a simple question, I didn't want to Question science-


Empire: Oh- Well that was fun!

America: The frickle fracking what-

Empire: Hello!

America: Uuhhh, JAPAAAAAN-

Japan: BOOM! WHAT- oh who are you??

Empire: My name is empire! I'm Fandoms new persona!

Japan: Ooohhh, so when irl fandom makes a new persona she evolves like a Pokemon!

America: How does that make sense-

Japan: It makes plenty sense, you're just dumb .

America: I-I mean your not wrong but damn-

Japan: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings- Anyway! Tell us about yourself empire!


Questions for both me an empire are welcome! I enjoy answering your questions ♥️

Well, see y'all later-

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