Lovely (A bunch of Rusame)

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America: Russia I have something I need to tell you.

Russia:What is it, love?

America: McDonald's isn't my favorite food.

Russia: What-

America: You are.

Russia: I-


America: My fricken bangs- I'm cutting them.

Russia: Don't you dare! They are adorable!

America: They are hideous.

Russia: No they're not.

America: They are.

Russia: We can go all day sweetie.


America: I'm ugly.

Russia: You are literally the cutest thing.

America: ruski how can you love me? I'm disgusting.

Russia: If I have to sit here the whole day and tell you you're perfect I will.

America: I don't deserve you .


Russia: America what are you-

America, squatting on Russia's bed holding a shotgun: Shh, it can hear you . Be still, be silent.

Russia: Ame what's going on?

America: The corner. It watches.

Russia,sighing: It's a spider isn't it?

America: No it's actually it

Russia: What...what do you mean?

America: The clown.

Russia: Haha, funny.

*insert demonic screeching*

Russia: What the frick was that-

???: Tag, you're it~

Russia: America pack you're things we are leaving now .

America: Flick no, that thing stole my picture of you smiling I need that back.


Russia: I can't do this.

America,wheezing: These Characters are so dumb .

Russia: The killer is walking extremely slowly. You sit there as he comes closer , bish you can run-

America: Omg Russ leave the characters alone-

Russia: Not even denki is this dumb

America, gasp: Leave my king out of this. 

Russia: Your what-


Russia: I'll have a vodka, and he'll have a apple juice.

America: Russia please, I'm an adult.

Russia: ...

America: I can get my own juice. 


America, in a dinosaur hoodie: Russ I'm a dinosaur.

Russia: Sure baby, be whatever you want.

America: I can prove it.

Russia: go on.

America: Rawr .

Russia: You are, the most adorable dinosaur ever.

America: No, I'm scary . Fear the dinosaur!

Russia: no . No one will ever fear the dinosaur because he's too cute .

America: Can I have dino nuggies  please-

Russia: You're trying to kill me I swear-


Russia: Hey angel, what's your favorite color?

America: The color of your eyes.

Russia: wish I could see yours. That's my favorite color too.


America: I had the worst dream ever.

Russia: Why what happened?

America: I had McDonald's, every marvel movie in existence, animal crossing, the biggest coke ever-

Russia: That sounds like a pretty good dream.

America: You didn't let me finish. You weren't in it.


America: Shut the heck up dad I'm an adult I can do whatever I want!

Britain: Son please listen-

America: If I wanna buy  $1,000 worth of plushies I can .


Canada: believe it or not, ame's actually really innocent.

Russia: Ha, yeah right.


Russia: Hey ame, what begins with p and ends with orn?

America: Popcorn!

Russia: What begins with f and ends with uck?

America: Firetruck!

Russia: Oh my goodness-


Russia: *smiles*

America: I will die for that smile.

Russia: And I will die for you.


Japan: Thanks for reading this chapter. For more content you can search Rusame on Google.

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