Welcome back to the madness

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Bahamas: ...


Bahamas: ...

Fandom: ...

fandom: Um-


Fandom: yes that's my username


Fandom: yes and you are-

Bahamas: Then where am i?

Fandom: In the book

Bahamas: ohmy- *sighs* What chapter am i in?

fandom: Your in plenty of chapters

Bahamas: Name one. 

Fandom: The vine chapters, the runaway chapter, sometimes rusame chapters-

Bahamas: When was the last time i as in any of these chapters?

Fandom: I-

Fandom: i see. 

*Skip brought to you by slipper*

America: Why do i have these?

Britain: Have what??

America: These wings, why are they on my back?

Britain: They represent your freedom of course, how could you forget that?

America: Why do i i have them?

Britain: I just said- Because you're a free country ame.

America: No i'm not

Britain: Yes you are

America: I'm not. i don't deserve these wings.

Britain: I think germany should call that therapist-

America: Please no-

*This  skip is brought to you by communists*

America: I'm fine

Russia: You literally just told me you were thinking about yeeting yourself off of a bridge, now you say you're fine?

America: Stop exposing me damn-

*Another skip brought to you by typing*

Japan: Wholesome smutty gayness for the soul UwU

South korea: Strumming my pain with his fingers

japan: No.

South korea: Singing my life with his words

Japan: South please-

SK:Killing me softly with his song

Japan: Do you want me to break your ankles-


Russia: God I wish i never spoke,now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap-

Ukraine: What did you do this time?

Russia: Told ame i hate him

*Sad harmonica sounds*

America: I had exactly 6 chicken nuggets , there are only 2 left. Who ate the other 4?

Canada: *drinks syrup* Wasn't me 

Britain: I would never touch such filth

France: I just got home-

Australia: I was out lookin' at animals and new zealand is currently sleeping.

America: Well it was somebody in this damn house!

Canada: Where's hamas?

Bahamas,crawling out from under the table: I've been summoned?

France: what are you doing under there-

America: That doesn't matter! where are my chicken nuggets!?

Bahamas: Payback bish

America: *G A S P* i've been betrayed by my own sister!?

Bahamas: Ya greedy a*s needs to stop eating my food damn it

America: I said sorry-

Bahamas: Sorry doesn't bring back that good crab n' rice.

America, sobbing: Your cooking was so good though-

*Skip brought to you by a rat who doesn't know what she's doing*

Bahamas, panting: where's max?!

America: Who?

Bahamas: My small pig son have you seen him!?

America,sweating: uuuhhhh-

Australia, eating bacon: Your son was delicious mate, sorry. 

Bahamas,sobbing: Again? 


Person: What's your sexuality?

Germany: I'm aromantic.

Person: That doesn't exist-

Germany: *smiles*

America, in a meeting with UN: Pardon me please- 

5 seconds later


Person: Uh-

Germany: That's my personal body guard lol. 


And thus another dumb random chapter added to this book of chaos. hope you enjoyed!

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