A conversation

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America: Me and Russia had a strange conversation yesterday.

Germany: Tea? Spill.

America: Dad doesn't like when I spill the tea. 

Germany: No I mean tell me about the conversation.

America: Oh, well it went a little like this:

(Flashback I guess)

Russia: America I have a question.

America: Sup ruski?

Russia: you're part bird right?

America: I guess so?

Russia: Then can you lay eggs?

America: I-

Russia: I'm sorry was that weird-

America: Then if Hawks eats chicken isn't that cannibalism?!

Russia: What-

America: Can tokoyami lay eggs too??

Russia:Why are you talking about mha

America: Dude i don't know what's the truth and what's a lie anymore-

Russia: Ame why

(End flashback)

Germany: That was entertaining.

America: I still don't have an answer.

Germany: This calls for science .

America: It was nice talking to you , i must return to ruski now.

Germany: Bill nein the science guy-

America: Please no-

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