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Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary pals.

This is the worst year, ever.

Scientist discovered ducking flying sharks. 

They discovered walking sharks too-

These murder hornets exist . They look Angrier than bakugo I swear-

Freaking cicadas have returned-

Nature is turning on us. I'm pretty sure the animals are gonna attack is soon-

I don't even wanna begin to talk about the pridefall- (Wich was confirmed to be fake but still)

Then we have these police officers freaking attacking protesters. (There is a difference between a police officer and a demon)

America is doing horrible. The world is suffering. This country is falling apart bro-

Overall everything just straight up sucks. I'm not-

I'm not ok ._.

Humanity is ending.

If I wake up one morning to hear news about ducking SIRENHEAD. I'll gone. I'm leaving. Goodbye.

Anyway y'all, I will be trying to lighten the mood. I'll try to make y'all happy, these are pretty dark times.


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