Back at it again with CH memes-

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America,takes sip from coke: I don't get it. Why am I portrayed in this fandom as some kind of innocent baby?? I've been through some sh*t , I'm no where near innocent.

Germany: You didn't say anything about the baby part-

America: I'm an evil child that needs attention Germany. I won't deny that.

Germany: I can't even- That is so true-


New Zealand: The frick discovered milk

Australia: Walked up to some random cow-

Australia: squeezed on its (Censored), behind this white sh*t, then drank it??


(This is a joke, I don't want to offend any body. I'm sorry if this did-)

America: White people be like:

Japan: Billy?! Where are you Billy?!

America: Black People be like:



Spain: I love it when you call me Señorita-

Mexico: Aren't you a señor ?

Spain: I can be whatever I want niño

Mexico,raising his hands in defence: I know I know, no disrespect.


Florida: Dad I can't find Ally.

America: O-O

America: What do you mean you can't find Ally-

Florida: I might have left the back door open...

America: Oh jesus-


Texas: Why'd you let her have an alligator in the first place?

America: Son you should know by now that you're father is very very dumb.


Japan: Hey Meri' quick question

America, eating some dino nuggies: Hm?

Japan: How come your so tall? I mean you don't really have a land of your own, you claim other land as your own and now humans have labeled you the third largest country in th world.  "America" isn't a land. America is made up of different land. So you're pretty much a fusion .



(Did I spell that right-)



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Baby boy, baby.


Japan: America is kokichi ouma/oma. You can't change my mind.

America: IT'S A LIE

Japan: Like your mental stability :)

America: That was uncalled for.

Japan: But it needed to be said.

America: It really didn't.

Japan: It really did.



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Another baby boy 💚❤️


Ivan: ...


America: wth- Russia can't be cute that's illegal.

Ivan: Then you sir, must be sentenced to life in prison.

Russia: It IS  me-


Germany: I love you.

America: You mean alot to me, it would make me very sad if you ever left. So if you leave, I'll leave with you.

Germany: you can have my soul.

America: You can have my life.

Russia: I can have both of you, because communism is caring.

America: Don't you mean sharing-




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This is too relatable. I can't breathe without my friends calling me adorable. I think they need help. I look like a burnt chicken nugget, a rat, and an actual pig-


I think I should change my username but I don't know what to change it too-

Also uh-

Face reveal??

Haha, I'm ugly. You've been warned-

Haha, actual face reveal next chapter-

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Haha, actual face reveal next chapter-

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