Quarantine, is killing me (Not really)

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America: Mother.

America: Mother I crave violence.


Britain: What the frick is this?! What have you become America?!


America: They said I could be anything! So I became a wine bottle!!!!


America: Spaghetti is just Italian ramen.

Japan: Ame, please. Go to sleep.


America: Ice is water having a b*ner.

Russia,crying: I'm literally begging you to stop.


Bahamas: I love my friends, I really do.

Bahamas:But there's a fine line between being able to take your BS and eating my food.

America, sweating: Am I in trouble?

Bahamas: Very much so.


Bahamas: Daddy can you pass the Salt?

Britain and China both reach for the salt

America: .....



Australia & New Zealand: .....

Britain :Wait a damn minute-

Bahamas: Dad let me explain-


Ukraine: Somebody help! I've lost my little sister!

Russia: How did you loose Belarus?!

Ukraine: I looked away for one second!

America: Stop your sibling drama. Let's find this child and get out of this mall.

Ukraine: Russia started it-

America: I don't care who started what. Now give me a potato.

Russia: Um, ok? *Gives America
a potato*

America: Alright thanks.

Russia: I don't see how this will help-


Belarus: POTATOES!!!

Ukraine: How did you-

America: Shh. Let's go now.


America: Ok Rusame, me and your dad are gonna be gone for awhile.

Rusame: Ok papa.

America: If you see a purple man, run.

Rusame: Purple man?

Russia, sighing: Ame stop you're confusing him.

America: Run from the purple men.

Rusame: Ok-


Canada: What the heck did that animatronic just move-

America: They're supposed to move ?

Canada: Ame, the animatronics are off.

America: ....

Canada: ....

America: Welp time to leave this place.


Hello everyone! How's your inside time going ?

I'm going to start making little shorts with countryhumans and fnaf. Sound good?

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