7. jin's journey to work

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With the click of a lock, Jin put his keys back into his bag then set off for work. He lived in his own apartment by himself that was near his restaurant - about 3 blocks away. Jin always focused on his career, but was still surrounded by many friends that he made either through the food network or from his school days. In high school he dated two girls, both he broke off with but still kept a good connection. He was charming, hilarious and a hard worker - likable in every way.

Strolling along the streets to go to work was one of the little things that he enjoyed in life. It was peaceful. The sun just peeking through the clouds. The sky fading from a deep blue to a bright orange. Jin with his hands in his pockets. Breathing in the morning air.

Every morning he would always pass a stall selling small candies and other treats run by a friendly old lady. He would always buy them to bring a smile to the woman's face, but also because one of his guilty pleasures was definitely gummies and lollipops.

He thanked the woman with a grin from ear to ear then carefully put the candies into his bag to be savored later.

Suddenly, loud, rushed footsteps were making his way towards him quickly as Jin turned around to be met with a punch to the face. Wincing and clutching his bruised cheek, he found himself on the rough pavement. He scrambled to get on to his feet as he realized that a thief has snatched his bag.

"OI! YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Jin frantically yelled as he chased the robber who was in no shape or form prepared to rob someone. His face was revealed, he was worried and was sweating bullets. Jin's entire body was now red from all of the running and he decided to stop and buy a new bag.

After 3 seconds he remembered that that bag had his entire life in it. His phone, house keys, wallet and of course the gummies he had purchased earlier. Then, in the blink of an eye he was off.

Seokjin did not make it far though, already exhausted from running so far already.

"Hey you there. You were running pretty intensely and then stopped. Haha, your entire face is red! It's like a tomato! Honestly you should see yourself right now. You looked so embarrassing, stopping to take a breath then continuing but collapsing 10 seconds later. Haha! The thief already ran away dude. No one even did anything to help you, society is pathetic."

Jin tilted his head upwards to face a handsome man with tousled brown hair, his entire appearance was stunning.

"Speak for yourself young man." Jin huffed as he finally made up his mind to stop following the bag snatcher.

"Oh come on mister. Don't be so mad. Before you say anything here you go."

Jin looked down to the man's hands to find "My bag! Oh my god thank you so much young man. How much would you like me to pay you?"

"'Young man?' Excuse me? I am 22. Quite the adult I must say. As for payment...hmmm..."

"I am willing to pay anything. In fact, here is my business card. Feel free to drop by my restaurant any time. If you can think of something you want, call me or come over." Jin winked and handed the 'young man' his card.

"Thank you... Mr....Kim. I'll contact you soon! Thank you again!"

"No, thank you young man!"

"Stop calling me young man. I have a name you know. It's Jungkook."

"Well, Jungkook, thank you again." Jin smiled and bowed.

"Oh please I can't have an old man bow down to me. It's quite embarrassing for you and me isn't it?"

"YAH! I am truly thankful to you. God knows who could've broken into my house today, and I ain't even 30 yet! 'Old man?!'"

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. Anyway, I'll see you soon Mr. Kim!" Jungkook flashed a bunny smile before sprinting away.

The tinkling of the bells to Jin's restaurant were heard as Jungkook entered and marveled at the sight he saw. Tables were blocked out with walls, some out in the open. The marble walls glistened, sparkles scattered all over the floor. The whole room was so spacious, Jungkook thought that his entire house was probably the size of this room alone. He turned to the left to be faced with a wooden staircase and his jaw dropped, realizing the fact that this restaurant was much bigger than he thought. Shaking his head, he suddenly noticed that there was no one here. Dead silence.

"Umm... Hello!"

No answer.

"Mr. Kim! Are you here?"

"Ah yes was someone calling for me?"

"Uh, you're not Mr. Kim."

Taehyung stood in his uniform with a mop in his hand, taken away from his assigned task of cleaning up. He stood in front of Jungkook, mesmerized. His perfectly dainty nose, his wide eyes, fluffy hair, flawless sense of style and his dangling earrings. Just some of the things that Taehyung happened to notice.

"Um... Do you happen to know where Mr. Kim is?"

"Oh- Uh- Yes please wait here. I'll go get him."

He cursed to himself for being such a fool in front of such a pretty boy. Taehyung opened the door to the kitchen where Jin was putting everything back into place.

Jin turned around at the sound of the door then sighed. "Taehyung for the last time I will not give you a raise. Now get back to work."

"That's not why I'm here. There is a boy with brown hair calling for a 'Mr. Kim'."

"Oh, that must be Jungkook."

"So that's his name." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"Keep it in your pants bro. He got my bag back for me. Remember what I told you about this morning?" Jin smirked.

"Wha- N- Bro- He's so beautiful." Taehyung sighed.

"Yeah I know, honestly I'm jealous of him and I myself am already so handsome. He just might beat me."

"Pfft. Bro you pale in comparison to him. He makes you look like a 4."

"You take that back right now!" Jin threatened his brother.

"What are you gonna do about it?'

"YAH! OLD MAN!"Jungkook yelled since he was very impatient.

"Uh, Jungkook, I thought I told you to wait at the front."

"Well, I got bored and also how do you know my name? Who even are you?"

"I'm Taehyung. Jin is my boss."

"Hello then Taehyung, Mr. Kim can I talk to you?"

Taehyung took this as his cue to leave and swiftly made an exit. Once he was out of the room, he sank down against the wall, his hands covering his steaming face. He inwardly screamed because he thought that Jungkook was so adorable.

"What are the chances he's even into dudes? All the straight guys are so damn hot."

He felt dejected but quickly got to his feet and continued to mop the floors clean.

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