14. 'it isn't my fault!' (jimin flashback)

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Seo-jun was determined to win back Jimin's trust. Although last time their bond was broken because of some loan sharks, he thought he had no choice but to go back and beg for his money.

He walked to the designated alley he was told to go to and waited. Suddenly a dark figure was looming over him.


"So, I see you're back. Seo-jun, Seo-jun, Seo-jun. Crawling back now huh? And even asking for your money back? Well, we are even and you even signed a contract. You can't go to the authorities, well because they're in MY favor." The man was tall, buff and definitely overpowered Seo-jun by a long shot. He wore the typical gangster clothes; black leather jacket, lots of rings, a chain around his neck, and he even had a gold tooth. Obviously he wasn't one to mess around with.

"Um, well, then Mr. Sang, do you have any jobs for me? I'll take anything, please I'm desperate."

"Hmm..." Mr. Sang paused "I think I do have something for you."

Seo-jun's eyes lit up with excitement and joy.

"Oh, thank you! Please tell me what it is you need me to do!"

"You'll see, be here again tomorrow. Same time. Mr. Park, you'll be very a rich man" With that, Mr. Sang turned around and left. Melting into the darkness.

"Hey honey!"

"Hi Soo-ah!" He couldn't contain the excitement in his voice.

"Huh, you seem to be excited about something, Seo-jun. I have some thoughts, but know better than to say them in front of mom." Jimin left with a disgusted look on his face.

"Please don't mind him dear. Come on in, I made some dinner."

"Honey, I hope you don't mind but, I'm going out again with my, uh, friends again."

"Oh, sure honey. Don't be back too late!" Soo-ah tried to smother her disappointment, yet she was having second thoughts now.

"Goodbye Soo-ah! Jiminie, I'll see you!"


Mr. Park whipped his head back to face Jimin, filled with glee about the fact that his son finally, truly cared about him.

"Stop looking at me like that Seo-jun, it's weird. Here, mom didn't want you to be dehydrated. Although to be honest we could've used that water for something else." Jimin scoffed.

"Thanks for taking of me so well Jiminie."

"Yeah, yeah. Wherever you are going today, if you come back knowing that you've broken mom's heart, you will be hunted down and murdered. I just want you to know, you are only slightly better than trash, because mom puts value in you. Seo-jun, I am not kidding. Now go."

"Don't worry, today I'll earn some mo-"

"I said leave." Jimin closed the door, not with too much force as he was considerate about the neighbours.

Seo-jun sighed and then looked up, bubbling with determination.

"Don't worry son, you and mom will go back to the life you loved."

"Seo-jun! There you are!" Mr. Sang was accompanied by his gang members - they were all covered in tattoos and smug grins.

"Hello Mr. Sang! So will you tell me what I need to do?"

"Seo-jun, we're gonna rob a bank."


"Are you gonna back out now? If you leave, you might miss out on this chance to help your family~"

"H-How do you know about that."

"Well, I mean, I've seen what love can do to people. Now, what'll it be?"

Seo-jun clutched his hands, his fingernails digging deep into his flesh.

"F-Fine. L-Let's go."

"Attaboy. Cmon, gang! Here put on your mask."

Mr. Sang threw a black ski mask to Seo-jun and smirked.

"So is everyone clear on the plan?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Everyone yelled.

Everyone quickly exited the truck and went into the bank.


All civilians at the bank were trembling as they looked around in shock before dropping to their knees. Security guards dashed towards Mr. Sang and his gang - causing quite the kerfuffle as both sides got into a fistfight on equal terms. Seo-jun was masquerading as a civilian, and amidst the fight he swiftly made an exit and a beeline for the big safes. Using the tools that Mr. Sang gave him, he opened the safe only with a slight struggle.

"HEY! YOU THERE! HANDS IN THE AIR!" It seemed that someone had contacted the police and they had captured Mr. Sang's gang.

Seo-jun was quaking. He was cuffed and shoved into a police car.

As he stared out the window, gradually accepting his fate, he locked eyes with Jimin.

Jimin's father never made time for him, so naturally he forgot that today Jimin was to make a visit to the bank. This one in particular.

Jimin's stare was a blank one. Rage made his blood boil, but knowing his mother would cry made him spiral into despair. He never wanted to see the tears on his mom's face ever again. Not after the day they moved out.

Seo-jun stared back at Jimin with shock on his face. He couldn't face him now, not after he was caught red-handed as a thief. Yet, false hopes ran through his mind as he reassured himself.

"Everything will be ok. I won't go to jail. They were the ones who made me do it. I didn't do anything. I wasn't in charge of it. They made me do it against my will. I was manipulated. I was manipulated. I was manipulated. It's ok. Soo-ah will understand. She'll bail me out. It isn't my fault. It isn't my fault."

"IT ISN'T MY FAULT!" He cried out.

The officer driving the car away scoffed and turned around to look at him.

"Oh really? From what I've heard, you were pretty guilty, and everything was your fault."

"W-What? What did the others say about me?"

"They said that you were the ringleader and put them against their will to rob the bank. They said you orchestrated the whole act, planning every detail and even buying the ski masks."

"N-No! Th-They're lying! T-That i-isn't true! IT ISN'T MY FAULT!"

"That's what they all say. I guess when it comes to your own freedom you shove all the blame to someone else." The officer rolled his eyes.

Seo-jun immediately went pale from the realization. Mr. Sang was a clever man and had a backup plan incase everything went south. Seo-jun was a scapegoat.

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