27. i just don't understand

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Namjoon extended his arm in desperation, trying to reach Jimin. But Jimin was already out the door and down the road.

"Why did you have to tell him Yoongi?"

"What do you mean, tell him the truth?"

"YEAH! Now look what you've done!"

"Oh... I know what this is. You like Jimin don't you? You even went with him to Everland, without me. I should've known."

"W-Well... It doesn't look he likes you that much either!"

"Well yeah no shit. My old name was Suga, so it must mean that I've probably done something to him in the past. Thing is, I don't know what. UGH! Why did past me have to be such a bitch!" Yoongi groaned in frustration.

"What does that mean your old name was Suga?"

"I have no recollection of it, but apparently I was in a huge car crash and suffered terrible amnesia. That was on the 14th of August."


"Yup. That was when I started living as Yoongi. But now we don't have time to worry about that, let's run after Jimin and apologize!"

The two of them sped off in the direction Jimin ran in and frantically tried to find him.

"I just don't understand why all of this is happening to me?"

Jimin finally stopped running and was in front of a park. He walked in and found a bench to sit on and burst. Tears streamed down his face, a never ending flow.

"I'm so pathetic, all I can do is cry. Right, you need to forget about them. You are strong and there are people who love you Park Jimin."

With a newfound determination he ran again and headed to Taehyung's apartment, still in need of some affection and love.

Although, he had tunnel vision and didn't realize that as he turned he came face to face with a wall. He braced himself for the impact until he felt a strong arm grip his own.

"Do you see which way he went next?"

"Let's just split up!"

"Ok I'll go this way. See you!"

Namjoon sprinted with all of his might, people around him quickly parting to make a path for him. Then he spotted a familiar blonde mop of hair and immediately started to increase his speed.


He didn't hear him as Namjoon's eyes widened as he saw the blonde hair suddenly turn a corner and scrambled to run. However he almost ran into a wall, had it not been for Namjoon who pulled his arm and stopping the collision.


"Th-Thank you." Jimin sighed in relief.

"Yeah no problem. I just keep saving people's asses every time I leave my house. I don't understand."

"Wait... J.K?!"

Jeon Jungkook looked down on Jimin as he held his blue umbrella in his other hand.

"W-Wait... You're not Jimin."


"O-Oh no... I'm so sorry. I was running after my, uh..." Namjoon paused as he thought about who Jimin is to him, or what he himself is to Jimin. "Just... someone, and you happened to look like him. I'm extremely sorry if I startled you."

"Oh thank goodness! I thought you were a robber or kidnapper or something and I got so damn scared. Anyways, thanks for that save! I almost crushed my skull. You should get a raincoat or something, you'll catch a cold."

"Thank you for your concern. I'm sorry again, I hope you have a good rest of the day!" Namjoon quickly bowed as he started running again in desperate hopes to find Jimin.

"Y-You... I-I..." Jimin stuttered, stunned by the man and his beauty.

"Ok, ok. Look don't make a big deal out of it or otherwise there's gonna be fangirls, and I don't need that right now. Also why are you so wet?"

"Well, long story short, I abandoned my umbrella. Are you friends with Tae Tae?"

"Hm? Oh! You're Jimin? Taehyung's a great..... friend."

"That pause was extremely suspicious."

"Sh-Shut up, I saved you from breaking your head, be thankful."

"Right. Thank you again Jungkook."

"You know, I was on the way to visit Taehyung actually... I kinda got lost... Honestly I'm really stupid. How did I forget how to go there despite having gone there many times already?!"

"Well, come on. I'll take you."


Jungkook and Jimin set off, not realizing that a certain silver-haired man had turned his head the wrong way and missed them.

"So did you find him?"

"I-I thought I did, but it wasn't him."

"SHIT! I will not mess up like past me did. And you." Yoongi thrust his finger into Namjoon's surprised face. "I can't believe you would betray me like that. You knew. YOU KNEW HOW MUCH I LIKED JIMIN. YOU KNEW!"

"I-I'm s-sorry."

"How could you..? I-I don't know what to feel like anymore. This was a bad idea from the start. Honestly this is my fault, but I thought you were better than this Namjoon. I-I guess the only friend I really need is Hobi."

"W-Wait! Yoongi! Please! I-I d-don't like Jimin!"

"Stop spitting shit like that Joon. You're lying through your teeth."

"N-No really!"


"O-Ok... You know, Jimin is a really sweet guy in real life. He's super kind and adorable-"

"I don't want to hear you ramble on about him. In fact, I don't wanna talk to you for a while. If it's an absolute emergency, call me. Otherwise, I'll see you around Kim Namjoon."

Yoongi walked through the rain and back to his house, deserting Namjoon. He felt sad, confused and betrayal most of all. How could his sincere best friend have a crush on his one?

Namjoon immediately broke down into tears when he got back home.

"I really thought that Jimin was the one. I guess not. Just when I was getting over her too. I miss him already, but now I'll never be able to see Chim Chim's cute smile ever again."

Jimin was bottling up all of his heartbroken feelings and just wanted to have a good time with his friend, and also his friend's crush.

He wasn't about to go back to Yoongi ever again, and never wanted to see Namjoon's face either. What Jimin hated the most was how Namjoon let Yoongi walk all over him, to the point where he was giving orders through an earpiece.

"If anyone was pathetic, it was Kim Namjoon. If that's even his real name, cuz apparently nothing is anymore. He disgusts me, both of them do. But I hate how I actually fell for that stupid bitch again. I don't ever want to have that bastard in my line of sight ever again. That's a promise."

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