24. surprise..!

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Rain fell as Jimin locked the door to his apartment. Namjoon had asked him to come meet him at a coffee shop, saying that he had a surprise. Jimin didn't know what it was and was quite excited to see what this 'surprise' is. He headed down the elevator and walked out into the drizzle.

He got out his clear umbrella and made his way down the streets.

Once at the front of the shop, Jimin pulled his umbrella down and shook it off slightly before pushing open the door.

"Welcome!" A friendly staff member greeted Jimin from behind the cashier.

"Hi, did you by any chance, see a tall man with silver-ish hair walk in here?"

"Oh yeah, he's stunning. I think he came with his boyfriend who is also fricking fine... wait does this mean you're third-wheeling? Oh dude I feel sorry for you."

"W-What? Ahem, I'll have you know that I'm the boyfriend here." Jimin tried to look all high and mighty, but with his cute face struggled quite a bit.

"Woah ok sorry. Are you guys a throuple?" She whispered.

"No!" Jimin confused and flustered started to scan the shop for sight of Namjoon.

Out the corner of his eye, he could see him and immediately smiled. However, he could also see a tuft of black hair on the opposite side, back turned to Jimin.

"Hey! Joonie!" Yoongi had sparkles in his eyes as he called his friend that he was masquerading as.

"Yes Yoongles?"

"I-I want to meet Jimin."


"I said I want to meet Jimin."

"Y-You do?"

"Yeah... I do."

"O-O-Ok... Uh, just, uh, let me set up a meeting..."

"Joon, I'm the one that texts him."

"R-Right... I have to g-go now... bye!" Namjoon hung up and flopped down on his bed.

It was all too late. Namjoon caught feelings for Jimin. It was undeniable.

On the day they went to Everland, Namjoon didn't have Yoongi in his ear. He was acting on his own accord and now regretted it all with every fibre of his body.

"What the frick do I do now?"

Namjoon decided that the best thing to do was to smother and burn all of his existent feelings for Jimin - that's what he said to himself when he agreed to do this. The kind and gentle soul that Namjoon is would never hurt a fly. Let alone his best friend.

On the other hand, Yoongi was jumping around like a madman, filled to the brim with glee. He couldn't wait to meet Jimin.

"Chim Chim is just so cute! Even when he texts he uses emojis that make him so adorable! I wonder what he's like in real life..."

Both Namjoon and Yoongi liked Jimin, and Jimin himself had the wool pulled over his eyes.

Jimin made his way towards Namjoon, his head turning up as he heard the footsteps.

"Ah! Chim Chim!"

"Oi, Joon what the heck? I thought you were just pretending, so what the hell you doing calling him by that?" Yoongi had an annoyed look on his face.

Jimin stopped in his tracks.

"S-Suga...?" He covered his mouth from the shock.

"H-Huh? No my name is Yoongi. Hoseok calls me that too, but I changed my name a couple years ago. He does it so often that I just shrug it off now."

Jimin fell down to his knees, eyes wide and tears threatening to spill. Namjoon quickly rushed to his side, filled with worry.

"H-Hey... what's wrong?"

"S-Suga... That son of a bitch dares to show his face to me again...?" He looked up to stare at the accused person, who was extremely confused and nervous.

"W-What did I do?"

"Are you really asking me what you did? Ok sure it was partially my fault for doubting you, but you didn't call me, text me or contact me in any way. And what's all this about your name being Yoongi? You're Min Suga." Jimin was boiling with rage but bottling it up as to not make a scene in the middle of the shop.

"I-I'm really sorry for whatever I did but... do you think you can forgive me?"

Namjoon looked at Yoongi and then back to Jimin, not knowing what on Earth was going on.

"YOU REALLY THI-" Namjoon shoved his hand around Jimin and whispered sweet nothings to calm him down.

Eventually Jimin started to breathe normally and was able to make rational decisions again. Everyone in the shop was relieved for the tense atmosphere to fade away and the staff started to work as normal.

"I don't know what's going on, but let's try and talk it out first ok?"

"I-I'm sorry Joonie, you're a really great boyfriend and all so I feel really bad to leave like this. I'm sorry but I can't face 'Yoongi' right now. Goodbye." Jimin smiled softly before walking out the shop.

"W-Wait! Jimin!" Yoongi called out.

Jimin ignored him and kept on walking away.

"I'm 'joonie148'."

Jimin stopped. Then he turned around. "What?"

"I was the one texting you, whilst Joon went on dates with you following my instructions."

Both Jimin and Namjoon's eyes widened.

"N-No, Y-Yoongi that was just a joke... It was a joke right Yoongi?" Namjoon hurriedly tried to patch things up, not wanting to let go of Jimin.

"W-What? Namjoon you very well know that that's the truth. I directed you and everything. Jimin, if you love Namjoon then you love me. Can you please give me a chance now? Namjoon's a super nice guy too, so I don't mind if you guys are friends - in fact you can definitely be friends! And we can go on double dates... Namjoon with his girlfriend, me and Jimin..." Yoongi rambled on and on, desperate for Jimin to come back and forgive him.

Tears flowed out of the Jimin's eyes, heart shattered to pieces. 

The words coming out of Yoongi's mouth ringing through his ears.

Then he ran out. He pushed the door with all his might and didn't care about the rain.

Jimin cried and cried, mixed with the sky's tears, no one noticed.

"Why do you keep breaking my heart Suga?"

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