8. we're spiraling

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After Jungkook had thanked Jin and left, both brothers said goodbye to each other before walking their separate paths to their apartments. Taehyung sighed with Jungkook only on his mind. People just can't help but judge looks; it's the first thing they see. Assumptions filled Taehyung's head but then he shook them out, as he thought about how terrible it would be if Jungkook was actually associated with the mafia. Could he possibly be a deadly hacker? Was he an ex-convict? Is he living a double-life and the bag that was returned to Jin actually a fake with counterfeits of all the items in there? Was he actually the bag-snatcher's partner in crime?

With his mind filling up with more scenarios, he unlocked the door to his apartment as he came face to face with Jimin. Sitting on his couch. Watching television. His feet up on the table. Not giving a care.


"Tae Tae!" Jimin ran to hug Taehyung as he stumbled back from the force of the embrace.

"Ok buddy. Now get off of me." Taehyung smiled as Jimin released him from his hug.

"Now tell me what on earth you are doing at my apartment. I swear sometimes I question why I even gave you a spare key in the first place. I don't feel safe anymore" Taehyung chuckled.

"Aww, is it such a crime for a friend to barge into another friend's home without any warning?"

"Frankly, yes. I keep getting heart attacks. It's not healthy."

Jimin giggled as he flopped down onto the couch and reached for the remote to turn off the TV.

"So I wanted to tell you about this person I've met, and I think he's cute."

"Yeah no joke, I am literally the cutest person alive."

"I used to think that too hehe. Just look at this."

Jimin whipped out his phone and swiped to a photo of Namjoon.

"Oh my god. He's cute. The dimples. Damn."

"I know right? And we've been texting as well. God, I feel like a young girl just fantasizing about a hot guy."

"Speaking of hot guys... The cutest thing walked into Jin's restaurant today."

"Wait what? I didn't go to work today though."

"Not you silly," Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully and grinned "but this ADORABLE boy that apparently helped Jin get his bag back."

"Jin lost his bag?"

"He had it stolen this morning and Jungkook being flawless as always, swoops in to save the day."

"I thought you met this person just today."

"I know, but I crave so much affection right now it's insane. Legit I just want to date someone already. I'd even date you Jiminie."

"We already agreed that we wouldn't date each other. It would ruin the current relationship that we have."

"I know. I love you Jiminie. No homo."

"Love you too, no homo." They both smiled.

"Ok keep on telling me about this 'Jungkook' person."

"He. Is. So. Damn. Fine. Like. What. The. Heck. So fricking beautiful. Sure I don't know anything about him, and yes I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but he is just so damn pretty. Ugh. Wait... LIGHTBULB! I should ask Jin for his number, casually ask him out, then bam. We're a thing. Yes, yes, yes. Did I tell you about his dangly earrings? WOO. They just fall so gracefully. They just compliment him perfectly. Ugh. His fashion sense is on. The. Fricking. Point. Like he showed up in a white t-shirt with a black jacket on. His pants were also black. Even though he looked so emo from the way he dressed, you should've seen his perfect face. His eyes. Wow. Nose. Wow. Skin. Wow. LIPS. WOW. OH MY GOD AND HIS HAIR. It is just so beautiful. This man is literally so attractive, if looks could kill, half the population would be dead. ACTUALLY, scratch that. The ENTIRE population would be dead. He'd be a fricking murderer. There would be a massacre. Ugh. If he asked me if he could kill me, I would say yes in a heartbeat. I don't know even know this person. What is wrong with me? God I need to do something. Does he do this to everyone? Does everyone just immediately want to give up their life for this man? Is that just what he does?"

"Ok, I am going to stop you right there. The fact that you don't know this person whatsoever, and you think he's a murderer... leads me to believe that he is a fricking magician so something. A wizard. A mage. Hypnotist? Dude I don't even know. Taehyung, I have never seen you commit so much to someone before. Is this a sign from the universe? Did he feel the same way?"

"This is very bad, both of us are spiraling."

"Yeah no shit, YOU are spiraling so much right now."

"But for reals, Jungkook is THE CUTEST. UGH."

"Have I told you about Namjoon yet?"

"The dude in the pic? I'm bracing myself."

Jimin inhaled and then exhaled harshly.

"Kim Namjoon. 25. Has a little sister. The. Cutest. Man. Alive. HIS FRICKING DIMPLES. AHHHH. Whenever he types smiley faces, he puts another bracket to give it a double chin. I don't know why exactly he does it but I find it fricking adorable. This man who I have never seen in person called me chim chim. Now it may bring back toxic memories, but I love to be called chim chim. AHHHH. His smile will forever be the most adorable thing on this fricking planet - nay - this universe. The other day he was ranting about fortnite and just imagining him here next to me, and we're just chatting. AHHHH. AND HE IS SO KIND AND CONSIDERATE TOO. Like, decent men is like the rarest species on earth right now and I literally have the contact of the kindest one. How. Is. This. Even. Possible. Texting with him just brings me so much peace and puts me at ease. It's like, I have someone other than you, Tae, to lean on. Even though I have only known this man for about 4 days or something, I have such a huge crush on him. I was about to just give myself to him, but he stopped me and said that he didn't want me to regret anything. AHHHHH. HE IS THE SWEETEST. Honestly how did I get so lucky? I could just stare and just drown myself into his eyes. My. God. Too bad he has only sent one selca to me though. When I first signed up to this whole online dating thing, I thought it was going to be a huge flop. Yet, here I am. Rambling on about this guy I have never seen in real life and have only had a relationship with for around 3 or 4 days. It's insane."




"We both fall fast don't we?"

"Oh yeah no doubt."

"We fall fast and we fall hard. Trust just comes easy to us."

"It has really bit us in the ass though."

"Tae Tae, don't... go too far. Establish a stable relationship first."

"Haha. I could say the same to you, Jiminie."

They both looked at the other and smiled.

"Ok, I will not rush it. Agreed Tae?"


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