3. An Explanation

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When Harry walked in, he was greeted by Sirius, arms out and Harry rushed forward and gave Sirius a hug.

"Hey Padfoot, how have you been?" asked Harry.

"I've been alright, how about you?" Sirius replied.

"Apart from the Dementor attack, just been the Dursleys. A bit lousy."

"I don't know why you're complaining." said Sirius with a shrug.

Harry looked at Sirius incredulously. "What?"

"Personally, I'd have welcomed a Dementor attack. A deadly struggle for my soul would have broken the monotony nicely. You think you've had it bad, at least you've been able to get out and about, stretch your legs, get into a few fights...I've been stuck inside for a month."

"How come?" asked Harry, frowning.

"Because the Ministry of Magic's still after me, and Voldemort will know all about me being an Animagus by now, Wormtail will have told him, so my big disguise is useless. There's not much I can do for the Order of the Phoenix...or so Dumbledore feels."

There was something about the slightly flattened tone of voice in which Sirius uttered Dumbledore's name that told Harry that Sirius, too, was not very happy with the Headmaster. Harry felt a sudden upsurge of affection for his godfather.

"At least you've known what's been going on," Harry said bracingly.

"Oh yeah," said Sirius sarcastically, "listening to Snape's reports, having to take all his snide hints that he's out there risking his life while I'm sat on my backside here having a nice comfortable time...asking me how the cleaning's going-"

"What cleaning?" asked Harry.

"Trying to make this place fit for human habitation," said Sirius, waving a hand around the dismal kitchen, "no one's lived here for ten years, not since my dear mother died, unless you count her old house-elf, and he's gone round the twist - hasn't cleaned anything in ages."

Their conversation was interrupted by dinner being served. Everyone was eating, talking cheerily before Mrs Weasley said that it was nearly time for bed for the younger ones.

"Not just yet, Molly," said Sirius, pushing away his empty plate and turning to look at Harry, "you know, I'm surprised at you. I thought the first thing you'd do when you got here would be to start asking questions about Voldemort."

The atmosphere in the room changed. Where seconds before it had been sleepily relaxed, it was now alert, even tense.

"I did!" said Harry indignantly. "I asked Ron and Hermione but they said we're not allowed in the Order, so-"

"And they're quite right," said Mrs Weasley, "you're too young."

She was sitting bolt upright in her chair, her fists clenched.

"Since when did someone have to be in the Order of the Phoenix to ask questions?" asked Sirius. "Harry's been trapped in that Muggle house for a month. He's got the right to know what's been happen. He's not a child!"

"He's not an adult either!" said Mrs Weasley, the colour rising in her cheeks. "He's not James, Sirius!"

"It's perfectly clear who he is, thanks, Molly," said Sirius coldly.

"I'm not sure you are!" said Mrs Weasley. "Sometimes, the way you talk about him, it's as though you think you've got your best friend back!"

"What's wrong with that?" said Harry.

"What's wrong, Harry, is that you are not your father, however much you might look like him!" said Mrs Weasley, her eyes still boring into Sirius. "You are still at school and adults responsible for you should not forget it!"

The Order of the Phoenix | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Five)Where stories live. Discover now