21. Marissa's Story

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Flashback to Marauders' Era

Marissa King's last name was not King, she didn't know who her mother was and her father...well he didn't like to go by his birth surname. So Marissa gave herself her own surname and never told anyone her true parentage. Naturally, the staff at Hogwarts knew but they understood she was nothing like her father. She was an intelligent, independent, beautiful young woman who could hold her own ground.

She was entering her seventh year at Hogwarts, her final year. Her best friend Lily Evans was selected as Head Girl after being a respectable Prefect alongside Remus Lupin in their fifth year. What came as a surprise was the choice of Head Boy. Marissa thought that it would've been Remus again, or maybe even Steven. But no, James Potter was chosen as Head Boy, much to his delight. Although at first, they never really got along, after an incident involving Severus calling Lily a 'Mudblood' the three girls stopped hanging around Severus and started hanging around the boys, who referred to themselves as the 'Marauders'.

Near the end of their fifth year, Steven and Joyce both realised their feelings for each other and with a push from their respective friends, a relationship quickly blossomed, which drew the three girls closer to the Marauders.

In her sixth year, Sirius Black had managed to charm her over and the two had started dating. Marissa couldn't lie, Sirius Black knew how to treat a girl well. All the rumours of him being Hogwarts' Playboy and all Marissa's fears of him cheating on her quickly disappeared weeks into their relationship. Sirius treated her like she was the most important girl in the world and he made her feel so special.

All they needed now was Lily to date James, it was obvious that a small part of Lily liked James back, she was just too stubborn to admit it.

"I cannot believe they made James Head Boy!" Lily complained, in their compartment. Marissa and Joyce both smirked.

"Well...he does seem to be getting more responsible." Joyce commented, before looking out the window.

"I have to go, we're meant to talk to the Prefects." Lily sighed, getting up and making her way out.

"Have fun!" Marissa called out, earning her a glare from Lily.

The two remaining girls were then quickly joined by both their boyfriends and the other two. James had obviously gone to speak to the Prefects.

Steven sat next to Joyce and Sirius sat next to Marissa and as for Remus and Peter, they sat on the edge, nearest to the door.

Steven interlocked his hands with Joyce, causing the girl to blush.

"Good summer?" Sirius asked the girls.

"It was alright, just went round Lily's and Joyce's a lot." Marissa said.

"I was studying for our N.E.W.Ts." Joyce said.

Steven chuckled. "You'll ace it. I, on the other hand, spent most of my time round James' playing Quidditch."

Steven was a chaser on the Quidditch team, he originally tried out to be seeker but James was better.

It wasn't long until Sirius and Marissa started making out in the compartment, much to their friends' disgust.

"Can you not!" Remus exclaimed.

"Tired of being single Moony?" Sirius chuckled.

Remus scoffed. "Well...I'm not exactly someone girls would flock over..."

"Oh yes, you and your furry little problem." Steven said with a laugh.

The train journey resumed, with James and Lily joining them halfway through. The eight of them talked happily before they arrived at school, and then they were back into the strict, challenging routine of Hogwarts. Free periods were spent revising for their N.E.W.Ts, or in Sirius and Marissa's case, making out.

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