31. The Traitor

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Black shapes were emerging out of thin air all around them, blocking their way left and right; eyes glinted through slits in hoods, a dozen lit wand tips were pointing directly at the group.

"To me, Potter," repeated the drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy as he held out his hand, palm up.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry said.

Several of the Death Eaters laughed; a harsh female voice from the midst of the shadowy figures to Harry's left said triumphantly. "The Dark Lord always knows!"

"Always," echoed Malfoy softly, "now, give me the prophecy, Potter."

"I want to know where Sirius is!"

"I want to know where Sirius is!" mimicked the woman to his left.

She and her fellow Death Eaters had closed in so that they were mere feet away from Harry and the others, the light from their wands dazzling Harry's eyes.

"You've got him," said Harry, ignoring the rising panic in his chest, "he's here. I know he is."

The Death Eaters watched, their were some muttering words such as 'stupid boy'.

"Oh, you don't know Potter as I do," said Malfoy softly to the others, "he has a great weakness for heroics; the Dark Lord understands this about him. Now give me the prophecy, Potter."

"I know Sirius is here," said Harry, he felt as though he could not breathe properly, "I know you've got him!"

"It's time you learned the difference between life and dreams, Potter," said Malfoy, "now give me the prophecy, or we start using wands."

"I told you Harry." Y/N said, glancing at the boy. It seemed like Lucius had noticed he was here. Before he could see that the boy was holding his prophecy he stuffed it in his pocket.

"F/N, why are you here?"

He gulped. "I knew of the Dark Lord's plan, I accompanied Potter and his friends here, hoping that I could find you and show my true loyalties." speaking these words was painful for Y/N, but he did what had to be done.

"That's my boy." Lucius said proudly, beckoning for Y/N to join him.

"YOU TRAITOR! WE KNEW WE COULDN'T TRUST YOU!" Ron yelled, and everyone else shot Y/N looks of pure loathing. The boy didn't even bother to look at Hermione, he didn't want to see her face.

Harry and the others grabbed their wand. Y/N half-expected the Death Eaters to strike, but they didn't.

"Hand over the prophecy and no one needs to get hurt," said Malfoy coolly.

Harry laughed. "Yeah, right! I give you this...prophecy, is it? And you'll just let us skip off home, will you?"

The words were hardly out of his mouth when the female Death Eater shrieked: "Accio proph-"

Y/N muttered Protego, the prophecy didn't leave Harry's hand. They didn't suspect him, Y/N's wand was still in his pocket.

"Ickle Potter knows wandless magic." the female Death Eater taunted. "Very well.."

Harry didn't know wandless magic, he tried to hide his look of confusion. He quickly glanced around, surely the others didn't do that?

"You need more persuasion?" she said, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "Very well, take the smallest one," she ordered the Death Eaters beside her. "Let him watch while we torture the little girl. I'll do it."

"You'll have to smash this if you want to attack any of us," Harry told Bellatrix, "I don't think your boss will be too pleased if you come back without it, will he?"

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