06 ' the first snow

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On the last day before the break, a few teachers leave homework for them to finish and submit on the resumption of classes on January. Amari spends the entire day with her friends and so does Sakusa with Komori.

"Do you have plans on the new year? Let's go to a shrine together again," Jiro invites the two as they accomplish their cleaner duties.

"I'm up for that! For extra luck for your swimming games too," Yume agrees as she erases the writings on the board. "And you, Emi? Are you going on a date with him?"

"I don't have plans," she admits and continues arranging the chairs.

"And Sakusa-san's became as cold as ever," she whines and clicks her tongue.

"I thought I advised you to properly talk to him?" Jiro clarifies, wiping the windows clean.

"Hey, I advised that to her," Yume protests and sticks out her tongue in mockery. "Didn't it work?"

"I told you, he's a tsundere," Amari complains and sits on one of the chairs as she finishes.

"You sure he even has a dere side?" he asks, batting an eye on her frustrated face. "Also, why is it just us who's cleaning?!"

"You're asking that just now?"

"He can be sweet sometimes. Like when he takes me home and he doesn't flinch on my touch," Amari says, a soft smile forming on her face.

"Isn't that the bare minimum, Emi-chan?" Jiro points out. "Why do you even like the guy?"

"Hey, Sakusa Kiyoomi has a huge fanbase in this school, you know? Apologize to the entire fandom!" Yume defends.

"I don't know, why do I need to rationalize my feelings?" Amari asks with a pout.

"I'm just saying, you deserve better, Emi-chan," he adds.

"Anyway, wanna go to the cafe later? They're serving shortcake," Yume invites as she puts down the eraser and faces them. "You don't have training now, right, Jiro?"

"Yup, no training," he confirms.

"Oh, Sakusa-san?" Amari mumbles as she notices him on the window of the door. She stands up from her seat and walks to the door to slide it open.

"Sakusa-san?" she repeats, now facing him. "Is there something you want to, uh, say?" she asks. It is unusual for him to pay her a visit in her classroom.

"Looks like we're gonna have to go on that face without her," Yume whispers to Jiro.

"Aren't you going to head home yet?" Sakusa asks, unfazed.

"Cleaner duties," she answers. "Are you already done training?" she adds.

"I am."

"R-right, well, take care," she says, smiling nervously. With the two eavesdropping, Yume facepalms herself upon hearing how dense Amari could get.

"He's telling her to go home with him," she whispers to Jiro.

"There goes her love life," Jiro gossips.

"Do I have to spell it out?" Sakusa sighs under his mask. "I want to take you home," he clarifies, grunting.

"Oh," Amari mouths.

"You wanted dere, right?" he groans, brows knitting together.

"You're doing this because of last night?" she finally chuckles, reverting back to her old cheery self.

"No," he denies.

"It makes me happy, Sakusa-san," she admits.

"Whatever. Just get your things and let's go," he tells her. She obliges and bids her friends farewell, "I told you we're together," she whispers to them and sticks her tongue out.

"Ah, wait, I'll just go wash my hands," she says to him and walks away. "Wait for me," she continues.

Sakusa glances at the two still in the classroom and stares at Jiro, who he remembers pulled off the kabedon yesterday.

"Let's go to that cafe, I'm starving," Yume says.

"You're always hungry," he teases.

"I'm back," Sakusa hears her, causing him to turn around.

They walked towards the school gate and to the nearby bus stop. Knowing she's already clean, Sakusa knows he could hold her hand without overthinking about germs.

The bus arrives after a few minutes of waiting and they both get in. She chooses a seat and he follows, a little relieved it isn't as crowded as it usually is.

Amari grabs his hand before he could fish it in his jacket pocket and she intertwines her fingers tightly with his. "It's 100% clean," she reassures with a bright smile.

"I didn't even ask."

She shakes her head at his response, knowing it was his tsun side acting up again.

"Oh look, Sakusa-san, the first snow," she points at the window.

"And?" He raises a brow and looks at where she's pointing.

"You never watch dramas? K-Dramas?" she wonders and glances at him, then back at the snowfall.

"Just tell me about it."

"They say that if you witness the first snow with someone you like, your love will blossom," she elaborates, not noticing him look at her again, his cold glare turning into a tender gaze.

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