extra: one

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fiance sakusa x reader
(timeskip sakusa)

after making a two part angst
for kuroo, I thought of making
one for sakusa too ♡

It doesn't take a genius to know how difficult living together with Sakusa Kiyoomi can be, given how germaphobic he is. As a matter of fact, even he knew that.

And that is exactly why Sakusa himself decided that before marriage, he needs to make adjustments with his fiance, Y/N. So here they are, living under the same roof, sharing an apartment.

While Y/N loved the idea of it, the stage of finally settling down with Sakusa, the man himself isn't so sure if it's ever going to work.

SAKUSA RESIDENCE, MOVING DAY. "Everything has to be organized and tidy, I know, I know," Y/N says as she places her last box, labelled clothes, near the living room of Sakusa's apartment.

"Not just tidy, Y/N-" he corrects her but she interrupts.v

"And 100% clean, yes, I know," she chuckles, "These are all clean, I promise."

"Good. Also, I emptied the other cabinet for you so just use that one," he instructs.

"Can I unpack tomorrow? I'm tired," she whines.

He doesn't answer. With his apartment looking like a mess with all the boxes, he just wants to organize everything immediately.

"Okay, fine, fine," she says, "But can I get a kiss first? Pretty please?"


three weeks later

"Well, what could go wrong? Right?" Komori asks Sakusa on the phone, trying to be enthusiastic.

"How long has it been anyway?" he continues asking.

"She's messy. She delays chores, and look, ugh," Sakusa complains as he sits down on the couch.

"The glass on the coffee table has fingerprint marks all over, she forgot to clean this again," he just keeps on going.

"But you said you split chores, right?" Komori confirms.

"Yes. I do mine well."

"Man, don't you think you're just being, um, overly picky? She's adjusting for you too, you know."

"I am not picky, Motoya. But its weird. Should I really have proposed?"

"Woah there, you're not like this."


"When you make decisions, they're always final, Kiyoomi-kun."

"This just isn't working," Sakusa sighs as he stares at their picture hung on the wall.

"Omi, I'm home," he hears Y/N's voice, tired and deadpan.

"I have to go now. Good bye," Sakusa says before ending the call.

"Okay, by-"

"Welcome home," Sakusa says and walks near the doorstep to see her. She stashes the dripping umbrella nearby and hurriedly takes off her shoes.

"Omi, guess what?"


"Today was a complete disaster at work," Y/N begins to whine, "They don't even try listening to me, is it because I'm a woma-"

"Y/N," he cuts her off.

"What?" she asks, annoyed with the disruption.

"Your shoes."

"I removed them, why? What's wrong?" she asks, her tone growing more frustrated at each syllable.

"Your shoes are wet, don't just place them there, the floor is going to get muddy," he scolds.

"And the umbrella, the cabinet's going to get wet too," he adds, irked by her carelessness.

"Well, wow, I'm sorry," she scoffs, but the sarcasm hasn't fully reached him.

"I haven't cooked dinner so I'll just reheat the food we had for breakfast," he tells her.

Y/N goes silent while doing as she was just told, quietly cleaning the mess she made. Sakusa, on the other hand, kept talking, mostly about chores and household items.

While he talks in his usual deadpan voice, she goes to the kitchen and searches through the cupboards. She grabs a glass on the top shelf, picking precisely the one Sakusa specified not to use.

"So, when can yo-" he asks but he stops midway through it. It doesn't take long for him to notice another error on her part.

"Y/N, I told you not to use that. That one's so hard to wash," he scolds, his brows furrowing with annoyance.

"Shut up."


"It's just a fucking glass," she groans and grabs a bottle of alcohol from the fridge.

"Y/N, what has gotten into you?"

"What has gotten into me?" she scoffs as she pours the tall glass full.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like that?" he questions, staring at how quickly she chugs down the alcohol.

Sakusa's growing more impatient, angered by her behavior.

"After a long shitty day at work, I go home to this? This is what I get?" she complains.

"Huh? What did I do? Don't throw your frustrations at me."

"I'm not 'throwing my frustrations' at you," she tells him in a mocking tone, making air quotes in the process before having another drink.

"Then why are you like this?"

"Because I open up to you and all you can see are my mistakes in, I don't know, in, in the way I act in my own home," she continues. She notices her tears build up, slowly making her vision a blur.

She drinks again, emptying the glass. "They make me feel so inferior in work, maybe because, ugh, I don't know."

"Y/N, hey, stop drinking," he tells her, his tone a mix of anger and concern.

"Nu uh, nu uh! I wanna drink in this weirdly specific glass, right here and right now," she tells him, tightly grasping on the bottle and glass.

"You know your alcohol tolerance, Y/N."

"Fuck that," she chuckles, "But you know what, Kiyoomi? Ugh, even your name sounds so damn pretty," she scoffs, or perhaps another chuckle.


"You know, it's you who, um, how do I say this," she murmurs.

"Me? That what?" he mumbles, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"It's you who I love!" she exclaims. He cringes with the sudden and awkward confession but with her behavior becoming stranger, he finally approaches her to take the bottle and glass away.

"But it's always you who makes me feel so, so small," she cries out, just as he's about to take the glass from her.

"I, I don't know what I'm doing wrong," she adds, bursting to tears, "Why? What else, Kiyoomi? What do I need to do? Tell me!"

She stares at him, waiting for an answer but he keeps himself silent.

"Tell me, I just want to be with you."

"I knew this wouldn't work," he sighs then takes his hand off her glass and hand.


"I shouldn't have proposed to you. This was a mistake."

part two tomorrow

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