25 ' catwalk

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Amari tosses her phone to her bed, angry and disappointed. She bickers with him sometimes, it's a normal thing in a relationship, obviously, but this time is quite different. It's about her career and it does raise a red flag, seeing how unsupportive he just was.

As for Sakusa, immediately after the call, he glances at Komori, confused and annoyed with the way his call with her ended. "What just happened?" Komori asks, equally as confused as him.

"I have no idea, Motoya."

"You said something about a scam? Did you two fight?"

"I said, I have no idea what just happened," he repeats and stares at their previous conversation.

"She said she was scouted to model so I told her to check if it was a fraud," he finally explains, sighing and frowning.

"I dunno but maybe your immediate reaction shouldn't have been doubt," Komori guesses.

"I can't be happy for her unless I'm sure it's a safe thing," he protests, "There are girls who get scammed then end up doing-"

"I get it, I get it, you're worried," Komori cuts him off.

"Yes, exactly. And she thinks I'm being unsupportive."

"You really are the world's most pessimistic guy," Komori chuckles, which annoys his cousin even more.

"I'm a realist."

"But I guess she's fit for it. Amari-san's just an inch shorter than me, I think. She's pretty too, yeah," he changes the topic, trying to lighten the mood.

"She's crazy tall for a second-year girl. She's been insecure about it for so long," Sakusa agrees.

"Eh? How did you know that? And, she is?"

"It's on her middle school essay. I wish I was a little smaller like my friends, she said."

Achoo! Amari sneezes as she returns to her room. "Am I getting sick?" she groans before throwing herself to the bed.

She grabs her phone again, expecting his apology messages to flood her phone, but contrary to this, there's nothing. Not even a single message.

"What's up with him?" she clicks her tongue and unlocks her phone.

"Emi, I'm home." She hears her sister's voice, along with the sound of the door opening. She snaps out of it and gets out of her room to greet her sister.

"Eika-nee!" she exclaims, "Welcome home. I made dinner!"

"Oh, thank god. I forgot to buy dinner," she says in relief after removing her shoes.

"By the way, I've decided on the modeling offer. I'll attend the auditions and go for it," the younger reveals with a bright smile.

"Really? Good for you."

"R-Really? You're okay with it?"

"Why not? Your life, your career, your choice," her sister reasons and they head to the kitchen.

"I'll go to the auditions tomorrow then!"

"What time?"


The next day, exactly at 11:45AM, Amari enters the building, bustling with hundreds of people. "Am I late?" she panics and checks her watch. She isn't late, but everyone else came in hours before.

After a few moments of walking, she spots the room where they're supposed to wait, and everyone has these numbers on their shirts. 184... 201... 191...

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