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2 weeks later, with her sample article already submitted, with her weight down by barely 5 pounds, Amari's facing another stage in her life-- her long-awaited first public appearance.

"Hurry up, girls, stop idling around!" the angry and tired voice of the staff crashes Amari's train of thoughts, and she snaps back to reality. She looks straight in the mirror, seeing how her "transformation" will go.

"And you, what are you waiting for?" she hears the others get scolded, making her feel a little intimidated.

"Does it hurt, Amari-san?" the hair stylist asks as she brushes her long dark hair.

"No, I don't mind, Ma'am," she answers, hiding how harsh the stylist really is to her scalp.

The stylist continues to brush it all up into a high ponytail while Amari tries to keep on a poker face. "There we go," the stylist mumbles as she ties it. Now that part hurt the most.

"Gorgeous!" she compliments her own work.

"Thank you," Amari says with a forced smile.

"Hide the pain, Emi," she tells herself.

"Now as for the makeup, Lily-san will be the one to attend to you, okay?" she explains before leaving, moving on to the other models.

"Oh, Lily-san, Amari at chair 7 please," she exclaims, getting the attention of this other lady called Lily. Lily nods at her then hurries to chair 7 as she was told.

"Hello there, Amari-san."

"Hello, Lily-san."

"Everyone, 30 minutes before the program starts!" the staff from earlier announces, causing a bit more ruckus and noise.

"30 minutes is all we need, don't worry," Lily reassures as she puts down her makeup kit. Amari looks at the kit carefully, hoping it's all clean. She's becoming a lot like Sakusa when it comes to hygiene now.

"Just a simple look will do for you, you look very youthful, Amari-san," Lily comments and opens her kit.

Amari sighs in relief, seeing how clean and well-kept it all seems. "Thank you."

Meanwhile, Jiro's still adjusting to his new life as the friend group's third wheel. Amari gave him and Yume exclusive tickets for the show and where Yume is, Komori is there as well.

"Motoya-kun, do you want to have dinner after this?" Yume's voice gets a little high-pitched whenever she's with Komori, almost as if she's trying to sound cute.

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you, Yuyu-chan," he answers and squeezes her hand, making her giggle.

"Oh my god, make this stop," Jiro sighs.

"Are you already hungry, Yuyu-chan?" Komori asks and places his other hand on his pocket.

"I brought you a chocolate bar just in case," he reveals with a smile.

"Aw, Motoya-kun! You'll make me fat."

"You'll still be the cutest, Yuyu-chan."

"Please give me a cute girlfriend too," Jiro says to himself.

As for Sakusa, he's seated on the second to the nearest row to the catwalk. While, it's a little less cramped compared to the other seats,  his seatmate bumping his arm disgusts him. "Just two hours of this and we're going home," he tells himself, trying to bear with it.

Emimimi sent you
a message!

Emimimi: Omi omi omi

Sakusa_Kiyoomi: Hey, Emi. I'm here, can't wait to see you.

Emimimi: hey, love ❤

Emimimi: They asked us to put away our belongings so im in the locker room lol

Sakusa_Kiyoomi: Then aren't you supposed to not be there...

Emimimi: oh yeah hehe I need to get in line

Emimimi: I just wanted to say hi hehe

Sakusa_Kiyoomi: The host is already talking, get in line love

Emimimi: L O V E

Emimimi: AAAAAAA

Emimimi: Aaaa I love you 👉👈

Sakusa_Kiyoomi: I love you too. Now get in line.

Emimimi: Yes love ❤

"I'm Takeuchi Meiko, once again, welcome! Sit back and relax because the TK Sportswear Spring Collection will now begin," the host says, bringing the audience to applaud.

Lost in Japan plays

The music begins, signalling the start of the show as well. Various outfits and styles embellished the catwalk, the screens highlighted the most flattering portions, but all Sakusa is waiting for is his girlfriend, eager to see her walk.

As for his cousin though, it is a whole different story. Between them, he's the more sociable one, the one who's easier to get along with. Komori's just having fun with his girlfriend, vibing with her and lip syncing the song.

And now, as the song comes near its end, Amari is still nowhere to be found, much to his dissatisfaction. He sighs under his mask, guessing how long it'd take him to see her.

Say So plays

The first few notes play and the number of girls lining up gradually decreased. Meaning, her turn is near. Amari's fidgety and all jumpy in a mix of nervousness and excitement.

"Next, next," the staff says and taps the shoulder of the model in front. It's almost her turn but she's stiff, like her rubber shoes are rooted in the plain wooden floor.

"Next!" the staff continues, a cue for her turn. Her turn. Now.

Yet Amari's frozen, clueless why her own body won't move as she needs it to. For another split second, she's overcome by fear and nervousness, not knowing what to do. Panicking.

She reminds herself that Sakusa's there and that he went all this way for her, even forcing himself to tolerate being in a crowd. She reminds herself the endless hours of training, her diet, her workout.

Lastly, she remembers the games she attended for him, and how quick his footwork was when he played. He moved without hesitation, without fear and doubt. And maybe she should too.

She finally lifts her feet off the ground, giving it her all. She takes a deep breath, clenches her first, then lets it go.

Now she's ready-- Ready to make her first appearance, to take the industry by storm, and for whatever comes next.

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