14 ' sneaky kisses

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The next day, Amari spends her time mopping around, feeling gloomy as ever. Two days after today is February, which meant Valentine's Day is almost two weeks away, but more importantly, tomorrow marks their first month together as a couple. Yet, they weren't even talking. Scratch that, it's Amari who isn't talking to him.

"Does she hate me now?" Sakusa hisses at his phone, seeing that she hasn't replied to any of his messages. By messages, it was just his "I didn't throw the food away. Also, you left the receipt here. It was expensive. I am a little flattered."

"Who hates who?" Komori asks before taking a bite of his lunch.

"Emi. She didn't reply to my message," he explains.

"That's unusual. You guys fought, didn't you?" he guesses, chewing on his food.

"Yes. I didn't want her to pity me but she just did," Sakusa complains.

"Are you sure she pitied you? Maybe Amari-san was just concerned about you," Komori tells him.

"She bought snacks worth 2,000 yen, came to my house, and says losing probably doesn't feel so nice," he whines.

"She did all that for you? Wow, I wish I had a girlfriend like that," Komori chuckles.

"I'm not giving her away," Sakusa hisses again.

"Yes, yes, I am not taking your precious Amari-san away. If you're that concerned for her, why not talk it out?" Komori suggests, "Also, uh oh, she's coming this way."


"H-hi there, Amari-san," Komori greets, visibly quite nervous.

"Hello," she greets back, just as she passes right past their table, not minding Sakusa.

"Yup, she is mad," Komori confirms in a whisper.

Meanwhile, Amari and her friends take a seat in the cafeteria, just a few tables away from Sakusa's. "Care to explain why your eyes are so puffy and red since morning?" Yume asks.

"I ate very spicy ramen last night," Amari answers, which was partly true.

"Yeah but you two aren't lovey dovey today," Jiro contradicts, "Not that Sakusa was lovey dovey with you, you're usually the only one who is."

"He's just a little too, how do you call it, harsh. Yes, harsh. He can get too blunt," she finally admits.

"A little?"

"Okay, well, he is blunt. A complete tsundere."

"Emi, I totally get that you've been head over heels for him ever since but you cannot be in a relationship with someone who constantly makes you feel like that," Jiro advises, serious this time.

"I'm not breaking up with him, Jiro. I really, really, like Kiyoomi."

"Seems like you need to talk to him soon, he's been glaring at us the entire time," Yume whispers and glances over Sakusa's table.

"He's staring?" Jiro asks.

"Yeah, and don't look behind, he's still looking at Emi."

Ironically, Amari immediately turns around and stares back at Sakusa. "I literally just told you not to look you idiot!" Yume scolds and sighs.

Three hours later, as their classes finally end, Sakusa heads straight to Amari's classroom, waiting for her outside. He looks at the other students get out of the room and go home, and he feels dismayed upon getting completely ignored by Amari as she walks out.

"Emi," he calls.

To his relief, she finally pays him attention and pauses at the side of the hallway.

"What?" she asks, surprisingly in her usual cheery tone, turning around to face him yet kept her distance.

"What do you mean, what? You've been ignoring me," he complains, pouting even.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" she sighs nervously. "You tell me all those terrible things last night then you wonder why I ignore you," she mumbled to herself as she walks towards him.

They walk alongside each other and they begin to talk. "Well? What do you want to say?" she asks.

"Why have you been ignoring me? Is it because of yesterday? I just said I don't want to be pitied," he explains.

"I don't pity you, that isn't my intention. I just wanted to cheer you up," she explains again.

They soon reach a more isolated area outside the school and they pause to talk.

"Okay, I know, I am a straight-forward person," Sakusa admits.


"You told me before that you got hurt over some of my words and it's safe to say it's the same issue this time," he continues.

"And what?"

"I'm sorry."

"That's actually all I needed to hear, Kiyoomi," she tells him in a softer tone, pouting as well.

"That's it?"

"And since you're apologizing, is it also safe to say that you won't do it again?" she confirms, "I know you're blunt and I accept that, I just can't help but get hurt too."

"Yes, yes," he sighs, but smiles underneath his mask.

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise, Emi."

"But you need to make up for what you did, Omi," she sneers.


"Take off your mask."


"Take off your mask, Omi."

"Here? In public? Disgusting."

She clicks her tongue and shakes her head in response. "Pretty please? It's going to be quick," she pleads.

His brows furrows for a moment, a corner of his face near his moles wrinkling. He obeys and pulls down his mask, then asks, "Now what?"

Amari smiles mischievously before tiptoeing to make up for the small height difference. She lifts and tilts her head, angling it as she leans closer for a kiss. "That's how you make up for your tsun side," she chuckles right after.

"That was sneaky of you," he remarks.

"Heh, sorr-" she says, until she gets interrupted by another kiss.

tsun-sweet boyfriend | sakusa kiyoomiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ