bonus chapter

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author's note
prepare for some angst
soon! but for this bonus
chap, just some nsfw-ish
scenario for kiyoomi and
emi (・∀・)

college! kiyoomi and emi


Amari's pretty popular, even Sakusa knew that much but what he didn't know was that she was quite known in social media as well. Tik Tok in particular, an app he'd never see himself using.

And of course, there are trends she'd love to do, especially those Tik Toks with boyfriends or partners. From the shawty is your man still around? trend, to the freakishly annoying bag prank in the car-- she wants to try at least one of those.

Sakusa got himself a pretty confident girlfriend though, and she's daring enough to do something a little more, let's say, smutty.

Amari scrolls through hundreds of videos and they're all about girlfriends walking in their boyfriend's room naked. For her though, there isn't any point recording it and she wants to keep it between them. It gives her some sense of intimacy for some reason.

Now, she has it all planned out and it's all going the way she wanted. They're in her house and it's just the two of them staying there.

"Omi, I'll just get some snacks," she tells him as she gets off from her seat.

"We're eating in your room? You said this is 100% clean," he protests, pausing the movie they were watching.

"It is super clean. I eat here but it is still clean. I swear," she guarantees and exits her room.

It's time to commence the plan and she grabs a towel in the bathroom. She undresses herself and she briefly checks her curves and body. Not long after, she heads over to her room, where Sakusa patiently waits.

"Kiyoomi," she calls his name in an unusually sweeter tone, a little seductive, even.

He's just looking at the laptop, perhaps just browsing something to distract himself. The moment he hears her call him, he sways his head and looks up, only to be presented a breathtaking sight.

He knows how beautiful she is, he really does, and he admires it despite not being able to admit it. However, this, this whole surprise, definitely takes his breath away. Not to exaggerate, but even as he's sitting up, he feels weak all the way from his head to toe. Not only that, an intense shade of red flushes his cheeks and even his ears.

It's all happening in a split second or two. It's all happening at the same time. It's too much, way too much for his poor heart.

"Emi!" he manages to blurt her name despite the view freezing his body.

His mind's still blank but out of shock and an unbearable amount of panic, he looks away. It's a terrible shift of scenery. From her divine figure to the plain blue walls, it's a downgrade, really, but one more look at her body and he knows he'll melt.

"Kiyoomi," she calls him again, but now with a more playful tone. She's supressing her giggles, giving it her all not to laugh at his reaction.

"Put on some clothes, damn it," he scolds her and throws her his neatly folded hoodie nearby.

She has always been the adventurous type and for as long as he can remember, it's always him making her think twice about her daring tendencies, giving her a chance to back out.

This time though, she catches his hoodie with one hand but refuses to do as he say.

"Are you done?" he inquires, still not looking.

"Putting on the hoodie?" she clarifies.

"Y-Yes." It's rare to see Sakusa this flustered so she's savoring every moment of it. She's not done teasing the hell out of him just yet.

"Look for the answer yourself, Omi," she giggles.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Uhuh," she hums and takes a step closer.

He slowly turns his head to her direction to check and there she is, still all exposed but now nearer. However, contrary to his initial reaction, he doesn't look away this time.

"Come here," he demands in a surprisingly serious tone and pats the empty space beside him.

With a smirk, she follows obediently. She still has the folded hoodie on her hand and Sakusa changes his sitting position to face her properly. He, then, snatches his hoodie away and unfolds it and puts it on her.

"I told you to put it on," he reminds. His tone's getting softer and sweeter.

"Didn't you like what you saw though?" she questions him with a pout.

"Maybe I did."

"Oh, was it lacking something?" she asks, seemingly quite serious.

"Huh, what?"

"Perhaps my Omi doesn't like just seeing it," she sighs and shakes her head. The poor boy is so lost and he raises a brow, trying to decipher what's going on.

Her hand makes its way to his and she leads it under the hoodie she's wearing. "Well?" she whispers him a question and leans closer to him.

"Emi," he groans her name the moment his hand cups her bare bossoms.

"Well?" she asks, then gives him a peck on the lips.

"Damn, they're big." His hand gropes her bossoms, caressing and massaging them.

"Fuck this," she chuckles and removes the hoodie, "I missed this."

"You think you're the only one?"

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