32 ' The Amari Diet

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Despite all the talk last night, despite his sweet words replaying on her head, Amari is still torn with what she's supposed to do with her body. She wants to do well in her modeling but the criticism from yesterday kept bugging her.

"Well, are you still going to go on a diet?" Sakusa asks during their lunch break.

It's rare for him and Amari to eat lunch together since they have their own friends but today is an exception, seeing how lovey-dovey his cousin is with her friend. Jiro, on the other hand, had to meet his team mates.

"I think I really need to," she answers as they sit down on the cafeteria.

"And I told you that I got the runway project right? I'll be a runway model for their spring collection. I need to be in shape," she adds.

"Don't get me wrong. It's okay to go on a diet. As you said, you're in the modeling industry. But-"

"But what, Omi?"

"Is that all you're going to eat?" he asks and points at her hand.

"Two apples?" he adds, getting irritated for some reason.

"I searched up the IU diet. No sweet potatoes at home so, apples. And I wanted two, so I brought two apples," she explains but it isn't any help.

"Eat." His tone is getting demanding.

"I will eat. I'll eat two apples."

"Eat. Eat a real meal," he orders and sighs. He gets up from his seat to buy something but she misunderstands this, thinking he's going to walk out.

"Omi, wait, don't leave, don't be mad," she says, panicked. She quickly tugs on the end of his jacket sleeve, pleading him to sit down again.


"Let's get you a meal. Not just two fruits," he corrects Amari, who is still gripping on his sleeve.

"No rice, I'll get fat," she mumbles. He sits down once again, thinking of what to suggest. "Noodles then."

"No, too much sodium, Omi. It'll make me fat."

"Are you even Japanese? No rice, no noodles?" he clicks his tongue.

"They have karaage. Do you want karaage?" he asks.

"No rice," she tells him but this time, she nods.

"Fine. But you'll empty your plate."

"Okay, Omi. You sound like my mother," she teases, ironically still in a bashful tone.

"Because you'll starve yourself, Emi. My reminders last night apparently weren't enough."

"She sent me a workout regime this morning," she admits.

"So that's why."

"Uhuh," she hums.

"I'll order karaage for you. Wait here."

Amari Residence

"Pudding?" Emi hears her sister's voice, along with a knock, "I bought your favorite pudding. It was on sale."

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