26 ' We're okay

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"Kiyoomi," she calls and approaches him, her heels clamoring on the hard ground.

"Emi?" he mumbles under his mask and turns around to face her. "Ah, Emi," he repeats.

"What are you doing here?" she asks and raises a brow. She hasn't forgotten about yesterday so in annoyance, she crosses her arms as she waits for an answer.

"I'm here to pick up my girlfriend," he answers. He notices that she's quite taller than usual and looks down on her heels, "How was it?"

"The audition?"


"I probably passed it, who knows," she answers and begins walking down the stairs. He follows and sighs, seeing that she's still annoyed.

"Did you talk to Jiro?" she asks, "He was supposed to pick me up."

"Yes, of course I did. You should've asked me to pick you up instead of him," he says and glances at her hand.

"Jiro was much more supportive than you." She rolls her eyes, "And Yu-"

"But he's not your boyfriend, is he now?" he questions.

"He's my best friend, yeah."

"Emi, I wasn't being unsupportive, okay? I just wanted to make sure you'll be safe," he tries to clarify.

"And I told you, I did check. I told you, I'll be safe and here I am, it wasn't a scam," she defends.

"No harm in double-checking, right?"

"You're such a pessimist, Kiyoomi," she groans, her brows furrowing.

"Emi, I'm a realist."

"Fine. Call it whatever you like."

"Also, where are we going?" he asks as they come near a much more crowded area.

"Dinner. I reserved this for Jiro and Yume."

"You were going to have a dinner date with him?" Now he's the annoyed one.

"Yes. Yume can't come because she's sick so that leaves me and Jiro. Supposedly. Don't tell me you're jealo-"

"And you didn't tell me? You're best friends, I know, but he's still a guy."

"I was mad at you. I still am!" she exclaims.

"Fine. Fine. Let's just eat," he complies before they gather unwanted attention.


"Also, Mitsuhara-san isn't sick. She's with Motoya," he reveals as they enter the restaurant.

"Reservation for Amari," she says to the attendant.

"Right this way."

"Emi, I said, Mitsuhara's with Motoya," he repeats.

"And how did you know?" she suspects, "Are they a thing now?"

"Motoya told me. That's why I found out that your audition was gonna be today," he informs her as they take a seat.

"Then if they get together, and we get together, Yume and I will be like, related?!" she realizes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Enough about Motoya. Tell me more about this modeling, uh, thing," he says in his usual monotone.

They both receive a copy of the menu, which lifts her mood.

"If I get a contract, then they'll handle my career. And if I'm really good at this, you'll probably see me in billboards or something," she softly chuckles with just the thought of it.

"Uhuh, what else?" he asks as he browses through the menu.

"You really want to hear all about it, Kiyoomi? You're interested with modeling?" she confirms, half-jokingly.

"Yes, it's your career. I'm all ears. I told you, I'm not unsupportive of it," he clarifies, nodding.

"Well, they're looking for models for a runway project. So, if they accept me, that would probably be my first project."

"I'm sure you passed," he reassured, surprising her.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me today," she giggles and genuinely smiles for the first time this day.

"Really? This is the nicest thing? What kind of people were you with exactly?" It alarms him.

"I walk in the room and everyone already started judging me," she reveals, "And you know, I hid all my acne, I dressed pretty, and they still had something to say! Unbelievable," she scoffs.

"Your acne doesn't make you ugly."

"And that's the second nicest thing I've heard for the day. Thank you, really."

After giving their orders to the waiter, Sakusa brings up another topic. "Emi, is there someplace you want to go tomorrow?" he asks, finally applying Komori's advice.

"Oh? So you do know?"

"Of course. Did you expect me not to know my girlfriend's birthday?"

"You're awfully so nice today, is that really you?" she laughs, "Kiyoomi? Is that you?"

"So are we good now? Are we okay?"

"We're good, yeah."

"Well, where do you want to go?" he repeats his question.

"Nothing too fancy, maybe just stay at home, watching Netflix," she answers, which reminds him of Komori's advice.

"A-Are you sure?" he stammers, narrowing his eyes.

"Yeah, but I know, I know, no snacks allowed in your room. But it's okay if it's in the living room, right?"

"Yes, I guess."

"Are your parents gonna be around tomorrow? I can bring food for them or something," she adds in an excited tone.

"No, I'm almost always home alone," he answers.

"Then, tomorrow, I'll come over, okay?"

"Oh, okay," he agrees, strangely a little nervous.

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