afterstory (4/4)

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okay i really REALLY miss
writing sakusa and emi so
here we go 😂 this is pro-
bably the most no. of bonus
chaps I made for a character


"So there's this prank I saw on Facebook, which is, uh, a lip filler prank on your boyfriend," Emi talked as she recorded on her phone. "And my immediate thought was like, wow, I have to do this with Omi."

She grabbed eyelash glue from her makeup bag as she kept on talking. "Well, I'm just picking up my husband, ehem heh, husband, from his training," she said, emphasizing the word husband.

Her hand squeezed the eyelash glue tube and placed a strangely big amount on the top of her lips, just above her cupid's bow. "I've never really mentioned lip fillers with Omi so he might really think of this as suspicious."

She lifted her upper lip and pressed it on where the glue was, creating a lip filler look. "Woah," my upper lip is bigger than my lower," she commented, staring at herself in the mirror. "Omi's gonna be maaad!"

"Aw man, this is the internet's fault if he divorces me," she chuckled, "Omi is not gonna be amused."

"Oh, shit, he's here," she said and spotted him from the front window. "Ah, I need to censor that."

"Emi," Sakusa called from outside. She immediately unlocked the door for him and he got inside quickly, sitting next to the driver's seat.

"Hey, love, how was training?" she greeted him while he pulled away his mask.

"The practice match ended early so-" He paused as soon as he looked at her face.

"Emi, are you okay?" He quickly touched her jaw with one hand and tilted it gently to get a better look. "Emi did you get stung?" he worried.

"Huh? What, Omi?"

"Or is this an allergic reaction? What happened? Let's get you to a doctor."

"No, no, no. It's a lip filler. My manager said it's the trend for celebrities. Fuller lips," she explained.

"What? Lip what?"

"Do you like it? I was scared you wouldn't like it."

He was dumbfounded. His wife's innocent act made him rethink on what to say.

"You, you had surgery?"

"No, lip fillers. You don't like it?"

"But why?" His brows furrowed as he pulled away his hand. "You look like a fish."

"A- A fish?!"

"Your lips resemble a fish's. Emi, I mean, do you like it? Come on."

"Yeah, I do. I like it!"

"Really, Emi?" he asked again. "Are you sure? Seriously? No, this can't be real."

"You hate it, don't you?" she cried out, pouting. "Am I ugly now, Omi? Omi?"

Thanks to the acting classes she took for her movie cameos, she was on the verge of crying now.

"You hate it, you really do," she sobbed.

"Wait, Emi, come on, crying won't change anything," Sakusa sighed and held her hand. "If I said it looked good, you'd be appearing on TV looking like that."

"Looking like what? A fish?"

"Emi, look at that, it's so swollen," he reasoned out and touched her upper lip. "Can you even close your mouth?"

Emi moved her lips but with the way they were, her lips could only remain apart. "I'm, I'm trying!"

"See? How are you gonna say 'Good morning, Japan!' with that?" Sakusa tried being reasonable.

"Goo- Goomorning Japa-"

"You have work tomorrow, right? Ugh. Miss Sunshine is gonna trend."

"A bad trend?"

"Ugh, this is a mess, who did that? I'll sue them. Wait, your sister is a lawyer, isn't she? Eiko-nee?"

"I signed a waiver," she mumbled, much to his dismay. "We probably can't."

"Oh my god, Emi."

"I should have kept my natural lips," she whined. "So you think I'm ugly? An ugly fish?"

"You're still pretty to me. A pretty fish," he said, trying to comfort her.

"Aw, really?" She pouted. "Will you still kiss me? Fish lip-"

She got interrupted as he grabbed her cheeks and pulled her closer for a kiss.

"You're still Emi. Still my wife. But I'm suing them."


"Wha- What?"

The glue had just worn off.

"Ugh. Emi." He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue.

"Yes? Hehe," she chuckled, realizing that he already found out it was a prank.

"How many times do you prank me per week? I bet your channel is skyrocketing with views."

"Are you relieved though?" she chuckled again.

"I mean, that looked horrible. You could have ruined your career," he scolded.

"He- Hey. My fans still might like me."

"I really did plan on suing them though. You could have sabotaged your work."

"Actually, I thought it was gonna end our marriage instead," Emi added.

"A divorce over lip fillers?" He finally laughed.

"I'd love you either way, you idiot fish," he muttered. His voice was too soft to be heard or recorded.

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