12 ' not jealous

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"I'll just wait for you here," he clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Be sure to be quick, I want to go home," he adds.

"I want to check my fortune with you, Omi omi," she nags him.

"Not in a crowd like that," he complains. He's aware he also might be getting on his girlfriend's nerves, given that he initally agreed on this in the first place.

"Then, I'll go there, then let's check our fortune together after," she suggests a compromise.

"Fine," he agrees, much to her delight.

She gives him a nod before leaving and Taketora turns around to leave as well, but Sakusa has another thing in mind.

"Hey, you," Sakusa calls, glaring at the boy with a mohawk.

"Huh?" he notices and faces him again.

"What's your relationship with Emi?" Sakusa bluntly asks, brows knitting together.

"Why? What is it to you?" he answers with a question. "What are you? Her boyfriend?" he adds.

"I am," he confirms, a mocking face covered by his mask.


"You heard me," he flaunts. "So, what's with you and my girlfriend?"

"We dated," Yamamoto answers, trying to brag as well.

"That doesn't add up with the whole I've been in love with you since middle school story," Sakusa mumbles.

"Oh well, whatever. I'm her boyfriend," Sakusa repeats.

"Are you two fighting?" a familiar feminine voice butts in, surprising the two. "Over me that is?" she chuckles.

"No," they both deny.

"Yamamoto, hurry up," another interruption takes place. Yamamoto turns around, looking at Kuroo calling him. It catches Amari's attention as well and she eyes on Kuroo, Kenma, and a lady with long hair with them.

"My Yuko's hungry, let's grab something to eat," the man continues.

"Well, I gotta go now, Mimi-chan. See you around," Yamamoto says before lowering his head.

"See you around, Tora-kun," she responses.

Sakusa and Amari watches him leave and they both head to where the fortunes were. Finally some alone time for them.

"What's yours?" Amari asks as she opens hers.

"Oh," Sakusa mouths upon reading his fortune.

"Uh oh," Amari mumbles on hers. "Did you get a really bad one too?" she chuckles.

"Nope," he corrects.

"Wow, very lucky," she reads his, "And in love too!"

"Mine's terrible, really terrible," she whines.

"Too bad," he remarks and walks away, which she follows right after.

"Where to next?" she asks.

"I don't know, I don't want to dine out," he answers. "Also, who is that guy?" he inquires.

"Eh, you're bringing that up now?" she laughs at his timing.

"Then don't answer," he hisses.

"He asked me on a few dates. We just went on, like, two or three dates," she confesses.

"And I thought you liked me since middle school," he refutes.

"So that's why you've been so pissed."

"No. I'm not jealous."

"I liked you since middle school. But when you barely noticed me so when he wanted to go on a date with me, I just agreed. Do you consider that cheating, Omi Omi?"

"How did you even meet? He doesn't go to our school," he questions.

"I went to one of your games last year then met him. That was so long ago," she explains, "It's very cute when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous."

"Sure you aren't," she giggles just before grabbing his hand.

"I disinfected my hands," she whipers a reassurance.

"You don't have to tell that to me every single time."

"So you're okay with my germs?" she laughs, eyes crinkling with joy. He gazea at her lovingly, his mask concealing how much his expression softened.

"Would you rather have me flinch every time you make a move on me?"

"No, no, thank you very much for letting me hold your pure hands," she jokes half-heartedly.

He simply responds with smile, knowing she wouldn't even notice.

"I like you, Omi," she blurts out a confession and looks at him to see his reaction.

"I like you too, Emi."

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