07 ' invite

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Amari busies herself with writing and spending time with her family, particularly her tsundere sister. She must admit, one of the reasons why she's able to handle Sakusa's personality is because of her too.

"Eiko-nee, I'll post our pics on Instagram, okay?" she informs her sister, who was watching TV with her.

"Just don't tag me," Eiko instructs. "I look stupid in dresses."

"It looks cute on you though," she compliments before stuffing junk food on her mouth.

"Whatever, Emi."

"How's college?" she asks as she uploads their photos.

"Terrible as always, and you?"

"I think I'm doing okay, I feel like I can still get on college prep class next year too," she answers. "I'm just worried about entrance exams for college."


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Sakusa gets notified by this since he turned on his alerts for her posts, something he could never let her find out

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Sakusa gets notified by this since he turned on his alerts for her posts, something he could never let her find out. As soon as he views her post, he took a screenshot of it, then panics if Amari could get notified too. To his relief, apparently, she couldn't. He saves the photo on an album he named Emi, also something he could never let her know.

"Oh? What's this? My brother has a crush?" his sister's voice surprises him and he turns around at her. She's just behind him and he assumes she saw the photo album on his phone.

"It's nothing," he tries brushing it off.

"Come on, don't be shy, you can tell Onee-san," she says and sits beside him. They weren't really close but they could at least talk casually.

"Come on, who's this Emi?" she adds.

"Nothing," he repeats, his brows starting to furrow.

"You literally just saved her photo, Onee-san's isn't a dumbass," she contradicts him.

"She's my girlfriend," he finally gives in and admits.

"Wow, I thought it was just a crush, but a girlfriend? Finally, a girlfriend?" she chuckles. "Mom, Kiyoomi-chan has a girlfriend!" she raises her voice, much to his annoyance.

"You should invite her sometime," she suggests before getting off the sofa. "She looks very cute, Kiyoomi-chan."

"Great, now she wants me to introduce her," he groans and unlocks his phone again ironically to set it as his wallpaper.

Now that his sister knows of his relationship with Amari, he tries to imagine how she'd react with him inviting her to his place for dinner. As extroverted as she is, he worries that she'd be overwhelmed by it. Nevertheless, he knew his sister might nag him about her, might as well try.

SakusaKiyoomi: Are you still up?

Emimimi: yesss

Emimimi: What have you been up to, Sakusa-san?

SakusaKiyoomi: Nothing really. You?

Emimimi: I've been hanging out with my sister lately.

SakusaKiyoomi: OK

Emimimi: She's a tsundere like you

SakusaKiyoomi: I am not a tsundere.

Emimimi: Sure, if you say so.

Emimimi: Do you have plans for Christmas?

SakusaKiyoomi: That's what I was about to ask you.

Emimimi freezes from reading his message. She attempts on keeping her expectations low but she's hoping that this would be the first time he asks her out on a date.

SakusaKiyoomi: Did you fall asleep?

Emimimi: No no no

Emimimi: I have absolutely NO plans for Christmas

SakusaKiyoomi: Good

SakusaKiyoomi: My family wants to see you.

Emimimi: Wait what

SakusaKiyoomi: What?

- - - - - - - - -

Emi switches tabs on her messaging app and goes to her group chat of her friends.


YumeMitsuhara09: Lol what


YumeMitsuhara09: Is this for real?

jirotwo: woah congrats, sakusa emi

YumeMitsuhara09: for real??

Emimimi: YES, call me sakusa emi now

- - - - - - - - -

SakusaKiyoomi: For the last time, did you fall asleep?

Emimimi: YES

Emimimi: I meant that yes, I'd love to meet your family!

SakusaKiyoomi: OK

SakusaKiyoomi: I'll ask them when and where. I'll keep you updated.

Emimimi: Okay! <3

SakusaKiyoomi: I will sleep now

Emimimi: Wait

Emimimi: Waaait, can I call you Kiyoomi now please :((

SakusaKiyoomi: no

Emimimi: please

SakusaKiyoomi: Fine.

Emimimi: Okay! Good night Kiyoomi-san <3

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