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At last, Sakusa reluctantly agrees with such a bizzare idea after recalling Komori's words, "Can't you do it for her at least?" or something of the sort. Eating somewhere not in the dining room is definitely a feat for him.

"Love, I also brought cake, so we have more to eat," she informs him as they take a seat in the living room.

"L-Love? Wait. Did you bake one?" he asks, now recalling the horrifying cakes she made before. She can bake pastries, but definitely not a cake.

"Nah, I was about to, but Eika-nee made one for me," she answers, relieving him.

"Oh, thank goodness," he blurts out.

"Hey, my cake wasn't that bad," she defends.

"Sure," he tells her in a sarcastic tone.

"What are we watching today?" she asks while he turns on the TV, "Anything in mind?"

"Hopefully nothing disgusting," he answers and scrolls through his array of choices. This means a big no for gory movies.

She notices her phone vibrate on her pocket and she checks the notification.

school newspaper president

amari-chan. the deadline
for your article was yesterday
but you haven't turned it in
yet. can you send it asap?

"What is it?" Sakusa asks.

"Ah, nothing!" she disregards it and places her phone back on her pocket. "How about something sweet and romantic? Nothing disgusting in that," she suggests and points at the romance category.

"Their kissing scenes always look nasty," he contradicts her.

"Better than blood gushing out of nowhere, don't you think?"

"Fine," he obliges and chooses the category, "Which one?"

"Oh, Time Traveller's Wife!" She quickly points.

"We watched that last month, Emi. Just because you liked Regina George or something."

"Excuse me, but it's Rachel McAdams. You've never watched Mean Girls, have you?" she questions.

"I haven't. I don't watch those," he confirms, conincidentally as he comes across the thumbnail for Mean Girls.

"Alright, it's decided. We're watching Mean Girls!"

"Oh god," he groans and clicks on the thumbnail, "Next time, we're watching something I pick."

"Yup yup. Also, it's been bugging me. You're not disgusted by kisses, right, love?" she adds, just confirming a vital fact.

"You seriously think I am?" he scoffs, "I could kiss you right now."

"Oh?" Her lips are curving to a confident smirk, trying to tease him.

It doesn't take a genius to figure what she wanted. Especially because today is her day, Sakusa gives in and leans closer towards her for a quick kiss on the lips. "There."

"One more." He complies again.

"Again." And so he does.

"One last?"

"Well, someone's getting greedy," he teases, smirking.

"Emi's only greedy for Omi," she even agrees and pulls herself closer to him, "I guess the kisses could wait though," she adds and points at the movie, which is already starting.

She clings on to his arm and rests her head on his shoulder. "You're no longer asking for my permission, huh?" he points out in a softer voice.

"Eh? Is this not allowed?" she asks and looks at him in disbelief.

"No, I meant it as a good thing. You used to ask if you can hold my hand, cling on me, hug me. This is better."

"I knew you were awfully nice and sweet today," she chuckles. "I love you Omi," she confesses, snuggling her head more on his shoulder like a kitten.

"I love you too, Emi," he says it back and he plants a kiss on her forehead. Now that's rare too.

Mean Girls

Watch out please!

"Oh I love this scene!" she exclaims and points at the screen. "Fresh meat coming through!" she says the line out loud, in sync with the movie. Sakusa is utterly clueless what was so "iconic" in the scene.

"So she's a transferee from Africa and she has mean friends? That's the plot right?" he confirms.

"That weirdly sounds terrible but I guess, okay? Anyway, look, this scene is iconic too!"

They spend the next hour and a half watching the film and much to Amari's relief, Sakusa found it interesting. "Basically, everyone is a mean girl. Well, of course, except the teacher," he effortlessly summarizes it again.

"Yeah, basically," she agrees as the last scene plays.

"You liked it?" she asks.

"Well, the-" He gets interrupted by a phone ringing.

"That definitely isn't mine," he clarifies. The ring tone is the Ponyo OST.

"Yup, it's mine, sorry."

"Take it."

"Hello?" she greets and stands up from the sofa to go to the dining room.

"Hello, is this Amari Emi? This is Hoshiya from TKA Entertainment."

"Oh?!" she gasps.

"Y-Yes, I am Amari Emi," she answers.

"We called to inform you that you passed the modeling auditions here in TKA. Congratulations, Amari-san. If you'd like to accept this offer, please come visit us in the headquarters."

"Omi!" she exclaims as soon as she muted herself, "Omi! Omi! Omi!"

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