Demon or human?

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Walking through the hallways of the school you were already not looking forward to seeing Mephisto again. He always made weird comments and in general had a weird sense of humor to you, maybe beacuse he was a demon?

Entering the principals office, Mephisto Pheles was already expecting you.

"Oh (Y/N), my favorite angel. How you have grown! The humans really don't lie when they say you angels are beautiful." He said as he looked you up and down. 

"Humans often think we look like fat babies with wings...but thanks for the compliment I guess." You mumbled as you sat down.

"So you will be attending my school again?" Mephisto asked as he filled up two cups of tea and handed you one as you sat down on the other side of his desk. He seemed excited.

"Yeah...I dont know for how long tho." You said as you began sipping the tea.

"I see...well have fun while you are at my school, but not too much fun! This is still a school!" He smiled, showing his sharp teeth. 

"Thanks, but you know I wont. I am here to work and fulfill my duty." You said strictly.

"Come on, you can live a little, a teenage girl also needs friends! Start enjoying your Life!"

"You sound like you know what you are talking about Mephisto..."

"Just out if curiosity, will you tell them why you are joining the class?"
You hated how nosy Mephisto always was, but answered because you are polite

"No, I will keep the fact that I am an angel a secret and also won't tell anyone that I am in fact already an excorcist. So I ask you to please also keep these things a secret, it would make my life a whole lot easier." You explained. Shura and you had came to the conclusion that it would be best if you stayed undercover at first.

"Oh I understand. Your secret will be safe." He smirked. "What will be your official reason to join the class in the middle of the school year?"

"Probably that I had to move here or something...I am not quite sure yet...."

"Well you should make up your mind or they will find out who you really are in no time. My students are quite smart you know." He smirked.

"Mephisto...I was once one of your students."

"Well it was nice talking to you
(Y/N), but you have to leave now, I am a busy man and have many things to do!" He said as he basically shoved you out the door.

"Wait! Mephisto! What about my school uniform?!" You shouted.

"Oh totally forgot, here it is!" He said, throwing a big bag into your face and then shutting the door to his office.

"Dumb demon..." you muttered, and then decided to go to the girls bathroom to change.

"Now I just need to find my class..." you talked to yourself once again, as you walked out of the bathroom.

It would be a lie to say that you didn't look good in your school uniform, you looked quite cute. But you didnt really enjoy wearing uniforms, especially because the school uniform was a bit to short and tight for your taste.
You felt as if Mephisto gave you a size smaller than your actual size on purpose. 
You rarely wore your excorcist uniform, and often got scolded by Shura for it, which was quite ironic since she only wore parts of her uniform...

"Lets gooo!" You tried to cheer yourself up but it didnt work.

The normal school was already over because you had talked to Mephisto for way too long.
But since you already knew the school you didn't have any trouble finding the way to the cram school.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now