Never coming back

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"Mind if I stay with you? I don't think you should be alone." Bon said as he walked Rin to his dorm.

"Sure...I think some company would be nice." Rin mumbled, his lips formed a weak smile.

"What do you wanna do play games or-"

"Lets just eat some snacks and cry." Rin cut him off before he could finish talking.

"Oh ok, thats fine." Bon said and followed his friend inside the old dorm.

The tso of them lied down on the flat roof of the building, each of them eating ice cream and crying.
Rin had never seen Bon that emotional before, but he didn't mind. He was glad that he wasnt the only one that was crying a river.

"I still cant believe it..." Bon murmured in his deep voice as he stared at the blue sky that only had a few white coulds.

"Me neither...a few days ago she promised me to go to Kyoto with me...and now I never get to hold her in my arms again? That can't be real" He answered as a tear slipped out of his eye.

"I keep thinking that I will go to school tomorrow and that she will be there...that everything was just a dream."

"I hope so...I dont know what I should do without her..."

"Dont forget you still have us Rin..we will always be there for you and help you through this." Bon grabbed Rins hand and squeezed it.

"But you feel exactly the same...I know how important (Y/N) was to you." Rin sniffled.

"Yeah...she was family to me...but we cant do anything now..."

"Do you wish we could have done something." Rin looked into the brown eyes of his friend.

"Of course I do."

Of course it was hard for everyone, especially for Rin, but eventually they got over it.
The world didn't stop turning just beacuse you weren't a part of it anymore.

Your classmates slowly came to accept that they wouldn't see you again, that they would never see you smile, laugh or cry again. That they would never talk to you again and that you would never have fun with you again.

Days passed and soon turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and sooner than everyone had thought a season without you had passed and fall began.
You didn't even really have a funeral which was weird to everyone.

Slowly Rims smile returned and everything got back to normal, just without you.
The school festival was coming up, and of course Rin would have loved to ask you to the dance but now he had to ask someone else. He really wanted to go, so even tough he hated to ask a girl that wasn't you to go to the dance with him, he did.
But Rin wasnt every lucky, multiple girls had turned him down, and his last hope was that Shiemi would go with him because he couldn't go alone.
"This is stupid, why do we have to come in pairs..." Rin mumbled with a frown while searching for Shiemi.
To his disappointment, she also turned him down, because she wanted to ask Yukio.
"Hes been acting weird lately, I think he's too stressed so I want to ask out to relieve some of that stress. " she said with a smile and Rin growled and walked away.

Rins POV

I walked back to my dorm feeling frustrated and sad.
All I wanted to do now was sleep, but at the same time I knew I would dream about her.

It always feels so real, like she is still there, but everytime I wake up, the harsh reality hits me and I cant help but cry.

I let myself fall onto my bed face down, and just cry. I let it all out, screaming into my pillow, while hoping that Yukio wouldn't come into the room.
He hasn't really been a big help, more like the opposite, he was really busy and I don't even know with what. He rarely talks to me and he lies when I ask him if everything is ok.

Sooner than I thought I feel into a deep sleep, entering the world of dreams that I loved but also hated at the same time.

"Rin! Rin!" I could hear (Y/N)s soft voice call me. It sounded distant, so I started waking towards where it came from.

"There you are! I missed you Rinsie!" (Y/N) jumped towards me, into my arms to hug me. I hugged her back. Her body felt warm, her hair and skin soft and her lips tasted sweet when they touched mine.

I knew this wasnt real, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. My dreams were the only place I could see the person I love most again.
I also knew that this wasnt very healthy, and that this wouldn't make accepting (Y/N) death easier, but I just didn't care.

"Lets go for a walk!" She grabbed my hand and smiled at me brightly.
"Its a beautiful day today isnt it?" She asked, her hand holding mine tightly.

"Its always a good day here..." I mumbled, as I looked around the landscape that always looked the same. Green, gassy hills, colorful flower fields, some mountains that were far away and a beautiful blue sky.
It was truly like paradise, it was way too good to be real.

"(Y/N)?" I asked softly and she turned around with a wide smile.

"Yes Rinsie~" we stopped walking.

"Why are you still in my dreams?" I asked straight forward.
"This isn't real! This isn't you! You look and sound like her...but you aren't her!"

"But you like thinking that I'm still here...Im still constantly on your mind. Thats why. You just can't say goodbye."

"When will this stop? This is just making everything worse!"

"But you like it,or you wouldn't always come here." She smiled at me once again and I reached out my hand, caressing her cheeks.

"This is not I just have to...say goodbye?" I pulled away. (Y/N) nodded and looked at me kindly.

"I know you can do it. You don't need me anymore. Just say it Rin."

"You are dead and will never come back, I know that and I am ok with that now! I love you but its time to be free again! You won't hold me back anymore!"

"Thats what I wanted to hear. I love you Rin!" (Y/N) kissed my cheek and then began to slowly fade away.

"Are you ok Rin?" Yukio asked. "You talked in your sleep."

"I never felt better!" I smiled as I jumped out of bed.

"Geee you are so happy all of a sudden...scary..." Yukio muttered.

"I just realized something important, thats all." I had realized that I shouldn't be losing myself, and that it was time to give up hope that (Y/N) would ever be coming back.

The festival came quickly and everyone was super excited. I was busy selling rice balls and everything seemed peaceful and normal.
I had asked Izumo to help us sell the food at our booth but she didn't turn up, which worried me a bit.

Everything took and unexpected turn when we heard that the Illuminati was planning on kidnapping Izumo. I thought that things couldn't get crazier, but they did.
"Shima what are you doing!" Bon shouted as Shima walked to the Illuminati people while carrying Izumo in his arms.
"This is who I am and where I belong" he simply said and hopped into the Illuminati helicopter.

"Whats going on...?" This  was the last thing I needed. I just had gotten over the death of my girlfriend and now two of my friends are gone.
"Im going to get them out of there!" I was determined.

Your POV

"Ughhhhh where am I?" You woke up in a white room that seemed endless.
Everything was made of clouds, and time seemed to have no impact here.
You stood up and noticed that no wounds were on your body.

You started walking, breathing in the fresh air you started to relax as you walked through a thick layer of clouds. As you came out at the other end if the clouds you found yourself being in a church.
But it wasn't just any church.

It was Shiros.

"Shiro...where am I?" You said as you looked around the church you had last visited when you were a child.

"Oh (Y/N), long time no see...welcome to heaven." The old man that stood infront of an altar turned around and smiled at you kindly.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now