If I were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself

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"What?! (Y/N) is somewhere in east europe, captured by an enemy we know practically nothing about and you don't do anything!" Shura snapped as she talked to some members of the true cross order and the Grigori.
Not only were you gone, but they had also found a man made gehenna gate somewhere in Russia.

"Its too dangerous to sent anyone yet!" A man said.

"Shes is danger!" Shura protests, but everyone shakes their heads.

"Shes strong and an angel, she will be able to handle."

"Shes a child!"

"Miss Kirigakure please calm down!"

"No shes right! We need to get the poor girl out of there!" Angel thr Paladin said as he came bursting into the room, followed by another man that wore a hat and a poncho.
"Yes we don't know what the illuminati wants to do with her or the gehenna gate they created." The man that walked in with Angel, spoke up.

"Thats right...but still its still dangerous, we need to find out more before we can help her." A Grigori said.

"We should try to free her as soon as possible." The man next to Angel, named Lightning said.
"Shes interesting to the Illuminati because of her immortality. They obviously are interested in demons with fast the ability to recover fast."

"What are you getting at Lightning?" Angel asked.

"I dont know what their goal is and what they want to do with her, but if they use her as a weapon that would be very bad, after all (Y/N) is very important to the order." He said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I think we can all confirm that there is no doubt that Todo is in some way associated with the Illuminati." A important member of the true cross order said.
"We will be talking to Yukio Okumura in a few days to ask him about his encounter with Todo, until then we should give our best to help (Y/N) and gather more information. You are all dismissed now."

"This is so stupid." Shura muttered as she angrily stormed out of the room, closely followed by Lightning.

"What do you intend to do Shura?" He asked as he walked behind her.

"Shouldn't you help Angel or something?" She snapped at him, but Lightning stayed relaxed, that was just his nature.

"He has some business to attend to. Now answer my question." Lightning smirked as both of them stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"I don't know...Im torn...I would like to just go there and beat everyone up...but I can't." She said looking at Lightning with a sad expression which was quite rare for her.
Lightning on the other hand still had a big smirk in his face.

"What is she to you? Family? A daughter? Or a sister? You almost raised her so its understandable that you are angry..."

"Angry is an understatement, her classmates don't even know that shes missing!"

"Will you tell them?"

"No, I was told not to..."

Lightning laughed and then joked.
"Maybe they don't want to get their hopes up, in case shes already dead." Shura gulped at his words.
He looked into her eyes before he turned on his heel and starting to head the other way.

"I promise, when the Grigori notice that they need her as their weapon, they will do anything to get her back!" Lightning spoke as he waved with his hand.
"Goodbye Shura, I will see you st the meeting with Yukio Okumura." He turned his head to smirk at her one last time, before disappearing behind a corner.

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