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Your whole body hurt when you woke up.
"Uhhhh where am I?" You mumbled as you tried to open your eyes.

"In your bed, you fell asleep while I carried you here. Your aunt cleaned you up a bit and Isaac treated you wounds." Rin said, je was sitting on a chair next to your bed, holding your hand.

"Rin...?" You turned your head to look at him.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" He smiled at you, making you blush.

"Are you hurt?" You asked him.

"You ask me if I'm hurt?!" He laughed, but noticed that you were serious. "Just a few scratches that have healed already, seems like you are not to only one that can heal really fast!" He smirked.

"Your body heals way faster than mine...I'm jealous!" You laughed.

"How are you feeling?" Rin asked, he now looked worried.

"Like shit! Everything hurts but I live so I guess everything is fine." You smirked. You truly felt awful.

"All of were really worried about you...I still am worried!" Rin squeezed your hand.

"I'm sorry that I made you worry...I didn't expect to get that hurt..."

"You expected to get hurt?!"

"Of course, it's a fight after all. I didn't expect to die tho....I probably disturbed all of you." You were a bit embarrassed.

"Oh believe me it was more than disturbing to see you die!" Tears filled Rins eyes.

"Oh no please don't cry Rin! It's ok, I'm ok!" You sat up and hugged him. Rin cried onto your shoulder and held onto your body tightly.
You ruffled his hair and rubbed your hand up and down his back to calm him down.

"You know to be fair, you worried me quite a lot too. Why did you guys split up?"

"I don't know, at one point the group was gone and it was just Bon and I and then we heard Shiemis scream..." Rin explained.

"You really need to be more careful, you damn idiot..."

"I know..." he mumbled. "I need to become stronger and learn how to controll my I can protect all of you, so I can protect you never have to die again!" He said as he looked into your eyes with a determined look.

"I believe in you, you are so incredibly strong are amazing!" You smiled kindly.

"Oh you don't know how amazing you are! You are literally an angel! Like I still can't really believe it and you told me a while ago!" He laughed and smiled.

And then for a momen neither of you said anything, you just held each other.
"You are burning up..." Rin mumbled, putting his hand on your forehead.

"Huh?" You didn't know what he was talking about.

"You have a fever, probably because it's hard for your body to heal all those wounds. Stay here, I am getting something!" Rin said, stood up and left the room.

After a while he came back with a bucket of water and a piece of cloth.
"Don't worry I'll take care of you!" He gave you taht damn smile that made you want to melt into a puddle and caused your head to turn cherry red.
"Oh are you ok, you are so red...just lean back and relax." Rin said as he sat down the bucket and wetted the cloth.

"I hope this helps you feel a bit better..." he mumbled while pushing your hair to the side and lying the wet cloth on your forehead.

"I think you should go and sleep now..." you said as Rin sat down on the chair again.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now