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You woke up screaming and panting while you shot up from the bed, immediately grabbing your neck and head to make sure it was still there.
Sweat covered your body and horror filled your mind.

"Are you ok?" Rin asked as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up.

You couldn't answer. You just stared at the wall while the images of your nightmare made their way back into your mind.
Tears filled your eyes and rolled down your cheeks like waterfalls.

"Hey its ok..." Rin whispered while hugging you gently. You hugged back, sobbing onto his shoulder.
"It was just a nightmare." He whispered while rubbing circles on your back.

After a while you had calmed down and could talk about what had happened.
"I've been having them for a while now...they are not really nightmares but memories" you said and tried to not start crying again.
"I get burned alive or drown...but the worst one is how my head gets..." you couldnt finish your sentence.

"Its ok...I know..." he mumbled while still holding you close. "Why haven't you told me about those nightmares?"

"There's nothing you could have done about them" you replied and Rin frowned slightly.

"I could have been there for you..." he mumbled and layed his head on your shoulder.
"You are there for me now." You smiled at him and he weakly smiled back.

"I could make you some warm milk with honey....that always helped me sleep when I was a kid." Rin suggested and you laughed.
"Are you saying I'm a child?"
"No! Of course not!"

"Thanks Rin." You said as you stared at the watm cup in your hand.
"You dont need to thank me, thats what boyfriends do."

"You're a great boyfriend!"

After you were done drinking the warm milk you felt better and the two of you went back to bed.
You quickly slept in while lying in Rins arms.

The rest of the week went by without any major incident, until it was Saturday.
You had found a possible hideout of the Illuminati and decided to investigate without Dieter.
You didnt want him to get in danger, and since he couldn't really fight that well he would also be in the way, so you just went alone.
What could be the worst that could happen?

You stood infront of an old skyscraper, it was quite big and covered in vines.
"Here we go!" You mumbled to yourself and entered the building.

It was dark and quite scary, but you kept walking through the dark hallways, until something tackled you to the ground.
Screams echoed through the long hallways as you tried to get whatever had attacked you off of you.
It had a knive, and it was trying to stay you.
You managed to kick the person or whatever it was, in its face and it stumbled back.
With a loud scream it ran towards you again, trying to stab you.

A loud scream left your throat when the thing managed to stab the knive into your eye.
You stumbled back, holding your injury.
"Fuck!" You screamed as you pulled out the knive and ran towards the thing and stabbed it in the leg of it.

Now that the thing was in front of a window you could see that it was a human, a woman.
But something was off, you just couldn't quite figure out what.

"You won't be able to defeat us! We are lead by the king of light, and no one will be able to defeat him!" The woman spoke, her voice sounded really deep.
"I just want to talk..." you said, waving around your hands nervously.
"I wont reveal our secrets!" She screeched and ran towards you, before you could react or even realize what was going on the pushed you out of the window.

When your body hit the pavement you realized that you should have reacted sooner.
"Fuck!" You shouted as you turned your head and saw the women next to you.
She was dead.

Some excorcists came to pick you and the woman...or what was left of her up.
You muttered Curse words as you looked at yourself in the mirror of the sun visor.
Your eye wasnt completely gone, but also not in good shape. At least it started generating.
Your whole body was a mess, it was hard to hide that you had just fallen down a building.


"Where are we going?" Rin asked as he and the others followed Lightning.

"You guys will get a break from studying and will go on a mission with me and a excellent excorcist!" Lightning said enthusiastically.

"What excorcist?" Bon asked skeptically.

"You might have heard of her..she's an upper 1st class exorcist and her name is (Y/N)
(L/N)!" He said in a happy tone and everyone sweatdropped.

"Are you hyped it up so much and now its only (Y/N)?!" Rin groaned.

"Whats that supposed to mean? ONLY (Y/N)!? Im your gf!" You said as you walked up behind them.

"I didnt mean it that way!" Rin defended himself and you chuckled.
"I was joking, you were probably expecting a really cool and buff excorcist." You said as you walked next to the group.

"What happened to you?" Bon asked as he stared at your big, black sunglasses.
You wore them so it wasn't too obvious that you were missing an eye.
You headlrd Lightning chuckle and asked "have you heard what happened?"

"Yup!" He giggled childishly. "How could that happen to YOU?" He asked and you rolled your eyes...or tried to.
"It can't be THAT BAD!" Lightning said and gestured you to take off the sunglasses.

You huffed and slowly took them off, revealing your eye. It looked like an eye again and you also could see again, but the white part of the eye was completely red.

"Ow ok....its bad...cover it up again!" Lightning said while wildly waving his hands.

"You are least I can see again...for a moment I thought I would have to walk around like Yukio for the rest of my life..." you chuckled.
"The two of you could have become eyepatch buddies!" Lighting said.

"Uhhh so what exactly happened?! We wanna know all the details!" Bon asked.

"Uhhh so I found a Illuminati hideout and went to investigate further...alone...long story short there was only a woman in the building that attacked me, stabbed my eye and then fell out of a window with me...she practically killed herself so no one could get any secrets out of her..." you explained and the others were shocked.

"Oh my god!" Shiemi exclaimed while covering her mouth.
"Are you ok!?"

"Yup! It was a bit disturbing but...shit happens!" You shrugged your shoulders.

"The fuck (Y/N) act like thas normal!" Bon shouted and you smiled at him to calm him down.

"It kinda is...they really aren't joking when they say they are not scared to die...." you mumbled.
"I was hoping that she could tell us where the rest is hiding..."

"And she knew that and decided to jump out a window!" Lightning said like it was the most normal thing in the world, he really never gave any fucks.

"She probably was just scared to be tortured by you." You joked and Lightning chuckled.
"You think the Illuminati knows about my methods?" He asked with a big smile.
"Nahhh!" You all answered in unison.

"What kind of mission are we going on?"

"Defeating some big demon...nothing hard."

I cant tell you guys how thankful I am for your support, the forst chapter has over 200 views!
At first I really thought no one would read this thanks for proving me wrong!😊

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