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"What is going on?! Why should
(Y/N) protect us? She is an exwire just like us so why should she be able to protect the whole group from a son of satan!" Bon seemed angry and confused. 

"You shouldn't worry about that now, concentrate on Amaimon and believe me when I say that
(Y/N) is capable of protecting you guys." Shura said harshly. 

You were nervous but also full of adrenaline. At the moment there were thousands of thoughts on your mind, but you knew that you had to ignore everything and concentrate on the fight that could begin any moment.
You started to concentrate on your surroundings, the heavy pistol that was in your hands, the sounds of the forest and Amaimons smell.
Taking in a sharp breath, you were ready.

"Hes coming. " you said, turning towards Shura with a determined look.

"Ok, everyone get ready!" Shura announced as she grabbed her sword.

"How does she know..." Bon whispered to Shima and Konekomaru.

You watched as Rin and Shura talked to each other. And then Shura did something that surprosed you. She gave Rin his sword back.
Does she want Rin to fight Amaimon?
Is she insane? He cant handle his flames!

Suddenly Shiemi started walking towards the edge of the circle.

"Shiemi wait, dont!" You shouted but she continued walking towards the circles edge like a zombie.

"We need to stop her!" Shura shouted but it was already too late, Amaimon was already holding her in his arms.

"What do you want?" Rin was really angry.

"All of you stay in here, dont go out of the circle! (Y/N) you stay with the others!" With that Shura and Rin ran off into the forest to fight Amaimon.

"That damn Okumura, he always goes off alone!" Bon started to nag.

"Hes not alone, Shura is with him." You said calmly.

"Still, why does he get to fight and we have to wait here?!" Bon seemed jealous.

"Hes just stronger than you guys are, thats why. But dont worry your time to fight will come soon." You said, having a tight grip on your pistol.

"What is the deal with you? Why are you allowed to wield a pistol dont you need to be a excorcist for that?!" Bon just went off at this point.

"Calm down Bon!" Shima tried to calm him, but it only did the opposite. 

"No! I will go after him, that idiot cant always fight alone!" Bon said as he stomped towards the edge of the circle. All of you tried to stop him, but he was too determined to fight Amaimon.

"Oh fuck no!" You said, knowing that you had to follow him now.
"Follow me if you want, I will keep you safe." You said walking out of the circle.

Shima and Konekomaru followed you after hesitating for a moment. Izumo and the hand puppet guy stayed at the base because they were scared, or at least Izumo was.

"What is going on? Why did that idiot Bon have to go after okumura?!" Shima muttered angrily. 

"Just forget about that and concentrate on the fight that will be expecting us." You looked calm on the outside but on the inside you were freaking out.

"Geez how can you still be so calm while a son of satan is attacking us."

"He is not attacking us quite yet, so calm your nerves." You said and then took a deep breath knowing that you were near Amaimon and Rin.
"Get ready guys." You said, tightening your grip on the pistol.

"Rin!" He was lying on the ground, blood coming out of his mouth.
"Shit this is bad..." you muttered. 

Suddenly Konekomaru, Bon and Shima got out their firecrackers and shot them at Amaimon. One of the firecrackers ended up hitting Amaimon, and he didn't like that at all.

"You idiots..." you muttered and quickly created a barrier to block off Amaimons attack.

"Ohhh now its getting interesting, dont tell me you are a-" Amaimon started but got cut off by Rin punching him in the face.

"Leave her out of this! I AM YOUR ENEMY!" He shouted angrily.

"Dont! Dont fall for this Rin, he wants you to fight him!" Yukio warned as he appeared from the woods.

"BUT I DONT LIKE LYING TO MY FRIENDS!" Rin screamed, and then  he pulled his sword out of its scabbard and immediately was engulfed by beautiful blue flames dancing around his body.

"Woah..." you looked at the stunnin scenery that was Rins flames.
You had always thought that they would scare you and remind you of the blue night, but now that you saw them you were amazed by the beauty.

All of you watched as Rin fought Amaimon. You could see that he was strong, but he couldn't handle his flames, they were slowly eating  him up and he was about to lose controll.

"What should I do...." you muttered as you but your nail to relieve some stress.

"Everyone come with us!" Shura finally showed up.

"We are going to leave the forest, we cant help Rin in this fight." She said.

"Shura...what should I do?" You whispered while walking next to her.

"Nothing, you can't help him in this fight.  He will be fine, so just relax and watch out for your classmates."

"Ok..." you took one last glance at the blue light that lit up a big section of the forest.
"He will be a lot of work..."

"I don't know how Shiro expects me to train him...but I will do my best." Shura said as she looked at the flames.

"I know you can do it." You gave her a sweet smile that never failed to make her a bit happier.
She gave you a weak smile in return and then turned to Yukio.

"Do you think Amaimon lit the fire cracker?" Shura asked him.

"I don't know, what even really is Mephistos plan?" He asked but probably already knew the answer, nontheless you answered. 

"Mephisto wants to see how strong Rin really is, maybe he even wants him to lose controll." You knew exactly what Mephisto wanted after all, you had known him for some time.

Yukio looked at you, his eyes wandering down to the pistol in your hand.
"You aren't allowed to carry that...DID YOU GIVE A WEAPON TO A STUDENT?!" Yukio screamed at Shura.

"So she could defend herself and her classmates!" Shura defended herself by making up a lie. You wondered for how long you would have to lie to everyone.

They now knew what Rin was, so why would you have to keep lying?

"Then why only give one student a weapon?! You can't have favorites as a teacher! Once again I'm telling you to take your job serious!" Yukio scolded.

"I'm taking my job serious!"

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now