17:Dog moms

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I woke up to Billie standing on my side of the bed,fully dressed and ready. I groaned,rubbing my eyes,trying to force them to open.

Billie:Get up. Come onnnnnn!

I groaned again and flipped so i was facing down.


The sounds were muffled due to my face being burried into the pillows.

Billie:We're getting the dog today. Come onnnn. We have an appointment date set up.

Billie pulled me up my my arms until i was actually sitting on the bed.

Jennifer:Its usually me doing this to you. I hate how this feels.

Billie:Now you know how i feel everyday when you pull me outta bed when i want to sleep. Come onnnn.

Jennifer:Shit! Fine.

I walked out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower which finished waking me up and then got out to my closet,getting dressed.

After i finished getting dressed Billie walked into the room with a burrito in her hand. I shook my head with a smile.

Billie:You ready sleepy head?

I nodded. Billie took my hand and pulled me towards the door. The ride to the pet place was very short considering the fact that billie was speeding and ran 3 red lights to get there. What would have been a 30 minute ride was now shortened to 10 minutes.

When we got there Billie stepped out first and then she opened my door.

Jennifer:Those speeding tickets are going to be a bitch.

Billie:Its fine. I just want to get my baby right now.

I shook my head with a little smile.

Jennifer:Bil,this dog is going to be a foster.

Billie:I know but still.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building. As soon as we walked in a dude came over to us,looking at his watch. He looked up and smiled at us. All of us were wearing masks but i could tell because of his eyes.

Billie and I smiled back at him.

Noah:Hello im Noah,you guys must be the 12 am appointment. Billie and Jennifer am i right?

We nodded.

Noah:Well,like ive said before, my name is Noah,I'll be around if you need my help. All of the animals have tags outside of the holding areas that say normal information about them like their age,weight,gender,species ect. Do you have any idea what you're looking for?

Jennifer:I dont know. Billi-

I turned to the side to see Billie wasnt where she used to be.


I looked around and saw her playing with a black pit bull. I turned back to Noah.

Jennifer:I guess she found what she was looking for.

He laughed and i smiled a little as we walked to Billie and the dog.

Billie:I want to foster this one.

Jennifer:Babe you should look around before you pick one.

Billie:Baby i want this one.

I sighed since i knew how compulsive and hard headed she is so i knew she wasn't going to listen. I looked back at Noah and smiled.

Noah:You want to foster this one?

I nodded.

Noah:Alright. Come with me to fill out all of the paperwork.

I nodded and walked with him to a desk where i began to fill out paperwork. After a while,Billie came over and filled out her share of paperwork and just like that we were on our way.

They gave us a leash and Billie put it on the dog.

Billie:Come here baby.

We walked outside and Billie opened the backseat door for the puppy. The puppy jumped into the backseat and sat down. Bil closed the door and opened the passenger door for me. I thanked her and sat down.

I closed the door while bil walked around the car to her side and got in. Before we could take off the puppy began to whimper and jumped over to sit on my lap.

Its not that i dont like dogs. I love other peoples dogs but having one my own wasnt really in my plans. I whined and the puppy laid down across my lap and made this cute noise as he rested his head on his front legs which were spread out infront of him.

Jennifer:Okay he's kinda cute.

Billie laughed.

Billie:I knew he would grow on you.

Jennifer:What so you want to name him?

The puppy leaned to the front and bit billies hand like hes done a couple times. Not in a hard way were she would be injured or bleeding considering the fact that his teeth have barely grown in. She giggled.


I hummed.

Jennifer:I see why.

Billie began to drive and soon we made it home. The puppy was scared to get out so Bil picked him up and carried him inside. After we closed the door we let him walk around and he began biting furniture and shit.

I sighed.

Jennifer:This is going to be fun.

I said sarcastically. Billie came behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist,putting her chin on my shoulder.

Billie:Look at the bright side of it. We're dog moms now.

Jennifer:Mhm,i'll be the fun mom and you be the mom that cleans up the pee and shit.

I kissed her cheek,patted her chest and walked away to the kitchen to see what we were going to eat today. We ended up eating from a vegan meal plan thingy that sends you the measured ingredients and shit and you just have to cook it.

After we were done eating we went to target to get stuff for the puppy like food,other leashes,a bed, a water thingy,toys,treats ect. Billie was getting some looks but no one came up to us. When we finished paying we left and went home.

Set up the things for shark and then went to sleep. We couldn't get shark to sleep in his bed so he slept in ours at the foot of our bed.

Shark has gotten so big i feel like crying😭

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