20:Wow..thats huge

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Billie:Okay so something has been on my mind for a while and i just had to tell you.

Jennifer:Go ahead babe.

I put the chips on the coffee table and i leaned back.

Billie:Okay so..getting shark made me realize something.

Jennifer:Which is?

She sighed looking like she was getting ready to talk.

Billie: Okay so...I've been thinking a lot about this andddd I want to have baby.

I was shocked because i had no idea this is where we were heading.

Jennifer: Ok... wow, that's huge.

I shakily breathed out, cuffing my hands in front of my face as i changed my direction so instead of facing Billie i was facing the front door with both of my feet now on the ground. I moved my upper body forward so that my elbows were resting on my thighs/knees.


Billie pulled me slightly so that i was sitting in between her legs as she gave me a kiss on the side of my head.

Billie:I know we've only been married for a couple of months but i also know that im in love with you and want to have a family with you.A family bigger than shark.

We laughed lightly at the dog playing with his toy in the corner of the room. After we finished We got back into the conversation.

Jennifer:I want to have a family with you too Billie but what if I'm a bad mom? I can barely even take care of myself, you want me to take care of a whole other human being?

I asked her like she's crazy. Its true. I feel like I would be a really bad mom, not in the sense were I would neglect them. More like, be horrible at the parenting thing and at knowing what to say when they are going through stuff.

Billie slightly chuckled.

Billie:You're one of the most caring people i know,and i know a lot of people.You'd be an amazing mother.

She smiled at me and i rolled my eyes with a little smile.


Billie looked shocked.She leaned away from me so she could see me better.


I was full on smiling now.


Billie jumped up from the couch,bringing me up with her.


She smiled the biggest ive ever seen her smile.She proceeded to picked me up.Billie put me down after a while of incoherent happy babbling while jumping up and down with me.

Billie:Okay we have to tell our families we're having a baby.

Jennifer:Alrighttt.Slow down buddy,you have too much dip on your chip.Im not even pregnant yet.

Billie:Oh shit,you right.

I nodded my head with a little smile as she scratched her scalp lightly.She stayed silent.


She looked at me shocked.

Billie:Oh yes,what?

Jennifer:You're bouncing.

She stopped and gave me a little smile.

Billie:My bad.

Jennifer:Lets take a little nap,seems like you need it.

We laughed and i grabbed Billie's hand,taking her to our bedroom. Shark waddled after us. I smiled lightly as he got comfortable at the foot of the bed while Billie and I cuddled,eventually falling asleep.

When we woke up from our nap,we began doing research on clinics where i could get inseminated. It wasn't even a question whether billie or i would be pregnant but i was okay with it. I knew i was probably going to regret it later when i cant see my feet past my stomach but right now im really excited.

Billie:Okay babe,when we telling our families?

I groaned and began to rub my temples.

Jennifer:How should we tell my side of the family?

Billie:Oh shit.

Billie rubbed her face rested her hand near her mouth as she thought.

Billie:We could fly them out.

Jennifer:Im just scared of how they'll react,ya know?

Billie:Mama,nothing bad is going to happen. And in the rare chance it does,you're grown up,they have no control over you anymore so they'll fly back and we can continue with normal life.

I sighed in relief realizing that even if they aren't accepting and become crazy or something im a whole ass adult. I looked at Billie.

Jennifer:How do you always know what to say?

Billie hummed for a minute,pretending like she was thinking while rubbing her chin and then looked at me.


She said as a definitive answer. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen. After about 10 minutes of talking on the phone with a lady to make an appointment,i was done.

I hung up the phone and looked back towards Billie who was playing with Shark. Holy shit how did i get so lucky?


1st:i literally hate you mfs,yall caught on last chapter quick as fuck like damnn, can yall give me the element of surprise?😑

2nd:when jennifer's family flies out do yall want there to be drama? i kinda want drama but at the same time i want them to be accepting idk.

3rd:yall saw the nttd video? lil baby looked so fucking beautiful 😭and the thing that happened during the high note fucked me up🥵

anyways yeahhh,thats all byeee

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