Chapter two

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"Yes Please."

Hotch opened the scotch and started pouring it into the two glasses. Once he was done he handed me a glass. I held it in my hands for a minute before I raised it to my mouth and began to drink it. He watched me take a drink and then took one. 

"You never told me why you didn't want to go out with Emily"

I sat there thinking for a moment before answering. "Every time I go out with Emily and the other girls they all talk about how great their lives are. Garcia's got Kevin, JJ's got Will and the kids. Emily doesn't have a boyfriend but she can always leave with anyone she wanted too. I just feel out of place sometimes.". I immediately realized I overshared and that Hotch probably didn't actually care he was just asking to be nice. I'm about to apologize when I look up and Hotch starts talking. 

"Why don't you get married then?".

We share a laugh for a minute. I had never seen Hotch joke this much, or even smile twice in a week. He finishes his glass of scotch and pours himself another. He raises his eyebrows and holds the bottle toward me offering me more scotch. I pass him my glass and he refills it before putting back down in front of me. 

"You've been a good addition to this team Natalie."

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it."

"Please don't call me sir, it's after work hours. Call me Aaron."

Aaron, He wanted me to call him Aaron. I fell silent. I had never heard him tell anyone to call him Aaron before at work. I had never heard anyone in the office call him Aaron. The room had a weird tension in it after he said that. It was silent. We both sat there drinking. I kept looking around his office so I wouldn't make eye contact with him and make it even more uncomfortable than it already was. 

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable Natalie."

"No it's fine, I've just never heard you tell anyone to call you Aaron before."

"I usually don't."

"oh". What did that mean? I mean I already knew he didn't tell people to call him Aaron very often but it felt weird hearing it come out of his mouth.  Especially not new agents to his team who he didn't know very well. I take a sip of my drink and decide to take a risk and ask the question at the top of my mind. "Why did you tell me too then?".

"I don't really know myself Natalie. It just felt like the right thing to say. Besides I'd like to get addressed by my name instead of my fathers for once."

I could sense that something was wrong by the way he said that but I didn't want to. Hours passed of us just sitting there. Sometimes we talked about simple things. Other times we just sat there drinking. I eventually stopped so that I could drive myself home but Hotch, Hotch didn't stop. I had seen him slightly buzzed before but right now he was drunk and I had never seen him drunk before. I did have to admit that he was cute drunk. He was laughing and smiling. He looked full of life and... well he looked innocent. He looked like he hadn't seen all the horrors of this job. He looked like this job hadn't cost him his wife. 

I looked at my watch to see that it was now midnight, I stayed at the office way later than I wanted too. I got up and my stomach started to rumble. I realized I was very hungry. "Well Hotch, I think i'm gonna head home and try to get some sleep." I take one look at Hotch and realize that he is way to drunk to drive home. 

"Well Goodnight then, Natalie.".

"Nope, i'm taking you home. You're way to drunk to drive."

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are Hotch. I'm not taking no for a answer."


"Get your stuff together, I'm going to pack up my desk. Come by my desk when you're done."

I walk out of his office and walk down to my desk. I slid some files and my phone charger into my purse. I bring my coffee mug over to the sink and wash it out. I put the cup back into the cabinet and then decide to also clean out the coffee pot. While i'm washing out the coffee pot I start humming to myself. I didn't think anything of it until I heard someone behind me.

"What are you humming?"

"Oh, nothing really. Just humming to hum I guess. 

"Oh, you ready to go?

"Yea let's go."

We both silently walk towards the elevator. Once we get in we both stand there waiting for it to go into the parking garage. The elevator goes down to the bottom floor and we both try to step out at the same time running into each other. We both mumble a sorry and keep walking out of the building. There's a weird tension in the air and it's make me very uncomfortable. We finally reach the parking garage. 

"Which car is yours Natalie?"

"This silver Ford Tauraus right here."

"Oh, that's a nice car."

"Thank you"

I unlock my car and put my bag in the back seat. I shut the door and climb in my car. I start my car and the radio automatically starts blasting some local station. I turn it down all the way and buckle in. I look over and Hotch isn't wearing his seat belt. "Hotch, Put your seat belt on so we can leave. Hotch slowly puts his seat belt on and I start to back out of the parking garage. We drive off towards his house in silence. It's awkward but I would rather it be awkward than him drive drunk. I realize i'm super hungry and I see a Mcdonald's coming up. "Are you Hungry Hotch?"


"Well then it's decided." I pull into the drive through. For some reason there is a car in front of us ordering. I look over and ask Hotch, "What do you want?"

"Fries please."

"Fries it is." I pull up and order us both fries. While the car in front of us is paying I pull out my wallet to get out my card.

"I got it, Natalie."

"Thank's for the offer Hotch but it's fine."

"No, you had to drive me home so i'll pay."

When we pull up to the window he reaches over me and hands the worker his card. 

"Thanks, Hotch."

"You're Welcome Natalie."

I drive up and we get our food. I get out my fries and hand Hotch His. We continue driving in silence eating our food. After about 10 minutes we arrive at Hotch's house. "Well we're here."

"Thank you for bringing me home Natalie."

"It's no problem. I can bring you to work Monday if you need since your cars still at work."

"That would be nice thank you."

"Goodnight, Natalie."

"Goodnight, Hotch."

He gives me a small smile and walked up too his house. I sat there for a few seconds watching him walk up his walkway just thinking. There was something about the way that Hotch said my name that gave me butterfly's. I look down at Hotch's seat and see that he left his badge. I grab it and quickly get out of the car while yelling, "Hotch! Hotch! Hotch!" Hotch turns around and waits for me on his porch. I run up to his porch. "You left your badge in my car."

"Oh, thanks for bringing it up."

"It was no problem really."

We stare at each other for another minute. I broke the silence, "well I probably should get going."

"Oh, yea. Well thank you for hanging out with me Tonight Natalie.

There it was again. He was the only one who ever called me Natalie instead of Nat and I liked it. I look at Hotch and say "It was a lot of fun.", and then it happens. Hotch reaches down, grabs my face and kisses me. I kiss him back not really knowing what's going on. He pulls away.

"Uh... Goodnight Natalie."


I speed walk back to my car and quickly get in. I sit there for a minute just thinking before I drive off and head home trying not to think about what just happened. When I get to my apartment I quickly unlock my door and head to bed. The only thing I can think of while i'm laying in bed is Hotch and that kiss. 

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now